Players will experience many multiplayer changes in the coming Destiny 2 Shadowkeep. New weapons, outfits, and skins will be available. Here are some of the changes Destiny 2 shadow keep will have:

Some of the new weapons have been revealed. Here are some details about them:
This is the same weapon people saw in the original shadow keep ViDoc. It a rapid, exotic arc trace rifle. This weapon has certain powers. It creates an aura around the enemy which weakens them. Another perk of this gun pushes the enemy to the aura circle to take damage.
This mission will be part of the new light mission. This is the first weapon of Destiny. This is an auto-rifle. This weapon may come back as an exotic.
This is a new weapon introduced in Destiny. It is a rocket launcher. This weapon is big and will be purple in color. This weapon has two perks namely Dark Deliverance and Dark Descent. This weapon fires a projectile that creates powerful voids when it explodes. The rocket can be remote in the mid-flight by the player.
Another weapon with no fixed name may also be released. It will be a light machine gun. Its power will be firing explosive ammunition.
Apart from weapons shadow keep will also have two new armors. The Phoenix cradle titan legs and Stormdancer’s brace warlock chest. Phoenix Cradle’s exotic perk will be Bacon of Empowerment. This armor will last twice as it did before. The Stormdancer armor will have the exotic perk of ascending amplitude. The power of Stormdancer will be increased as the player defeat their enemies.
These new upgrade reveals have surely made the Destiny fans more excited about the game. Fans must be eagerly waiting to play this game.