6 Tips on How to Travel the World as a Student

How to Travel the World as a Student

Traveling the world can be a dream come true for anybody. However, as students, traveling the world will be more exciting and enjoyable as you will get to study abroad, learn about an entirely new culture and interact with the people there. Overall, it is a fun and life-changing experience and one you’ll be more than happy to have embarked on as it can chart up a new direction in life.

Many students love to travel abroad, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that the BBC says the world’s international student population has exceeded 3.7 million and is growing at a rate of roughly 12% per year.

That being said, traveling the world is an expensive venture for anybody, so imagine how it could be from a student’s perspective. However, this wouldn’t be a problem if your parents or guardians were super rich and could afford all the expenses. But for many students, this is not the case. So in that light, here are six tips on how you can travel the world as a student.

6 Tips On How You Can Travel the World as a Student

  1.     Study Abroad

This is perhaps the most popular way students get to travel the world. A lot of colleges offer a number of study-abroad programs, either for one semester or a full year. You could even kick it up a notch by studying abroad for your full 3+ year degree. However, when you consider the expense of return tickets, visas, and any additional travel you may want to undertake while studying abroad, it is clear that it will not be cheap.

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  1.     Intern Abroad

If there was one way to kill two birds with a single stone, then it is by interning abroad. Interning allows you to travel to a new location while gaining professional experience. In addition, the experience of traveling for internships will enable you to discover a new city on a deeper level than if you were passing through.

So, if you’re a college student, and you’re wondering if there are simple ways to travel on a budget, then you’re in the right place. Here, you will find some cheap ways to travel while still in college.

  1.     Volunteering Abroad

Volunteering comes in different forms and capacities. Spending your time volunteering overseas can range from doing a weekly shift at a charity store to reaching out to people in underdeveloped countries, teaching kids, and even working in hospitals.

According to Spanish studies, the total number of students traveling abroad to the U.S. has been on an uptrend. That figure has grown from around 650,000 and ends at approximately 900,000 accepted applicants per year. This may just be a way your dream may come through.

  1.     Have a Semester at Sea

It is a one-of-a-kind study abroad program where you can learn while cruising around the world in about a hundred days. Semester at sea is a study abroad program in which you take 12 to 15 college credits onboard a cruise ship while traveling to various locations on different continents. It is quite the opportunity, as you would be out on the ocean while studying all at the same time.

  1.     Work Holiday Programs

Working holiday programs is one way to travel the world as a student. It enables persons under 30 years to work in another country, making them ideal for students or young tourists. Most of these programs are available in English-speaking nations, such as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

Also, your visa is normally valid for one year, but if you’re only working overseas for the summer, you won’t need it for that long. Although the income will be low, it will be sufficient to survive, and you will meet many new people along the road.

  1.     Teach English Abroad

Many individuals are unaware that teaching English is one of the best options for working abroad. You may not realize it, but as someone with a strong command of the English language, you are in high demand all over the world as teaching English might be your winning ticket to travel the world! 

You could get jobs in Asia, and they are often the most common and highest-paying opportunities. Also, you may be required to have a university degree to apply, although this is not always the case.


Traveling the world as a student promises to be a fun and exciting adventure. So, if it is something that you would like to experience, be intentional about it. Find out how to study abroad, take up a volunteering scheme, be part of an internship program, and make it fun and memorable.

Author’s Bio

Joanne Elliot is an expert blogger with more than ten years of writing experience in different fields. She has targeted her writing to focus on travel blogs and writing services. She enjoys reading, mainly fantasy books, and hopes to inspire others to do the same.