Aaron Carter Is ‘Crushed’ After Claiming Sister Lied in Court to ‘Remove My second Amendment Rights’

    Aaron Carter Is 'Crushed' After Claiming Sister Lied in Court to 'Remove My second Amendment Rights'
    Aaron Carter Is 'Crushed' After Claiming Sister Lied in Court to 'Remove My second Amendment Rights'

    Aaron Carter Is Crushed he says he was “devastated” after his sister, the angel, was ordered to surrender when his sister, Angel, was given an extended sanctions order against him.
    The 31-year-old Aron, who was locked in a public feud with his siblings, Angel and Nick, told fans on his Instagram story on Tuesday that his guns would be fired and his sister would be accused of lying in court.

    Aaron wrote on his Instagram story, “I’m devastated by what happened in court today. My sister lied in an attempt to take away my 2nd Amendment rights and she did it on behalf of my brother [Nick Carter]. Shut me. See how he rapes and sexually harasses many women. I will obey the judge’s order, but I do not stop speaking on behalf of victims like Melissa Shuman Behalf. I am saddened by his family and what he has done with me. Your life has broken my heart. ”

    Entertainment Tonight reports Aaron will be forced to stay away from his sister for an additional year and will no longer be a firearms officer. She was reportedly ordered to live 100 yards away from Angel, her husband, her home and their places of work. He has somehow stopped harassing or threatening them on social media. The judge’s decision merely extends the restraining order already given.

    Aaron Carter Is 'Crushed' After Claiming Sister Lied in Court to 'Remove My second Amendment Rights'
    Aaron Carter Is ‘Crushed’ After Claiming Sister Lied in Court to ‘Remove My second Amendment Rights’

    Aaron also posted a photo of himself hi-fiving Shuman with the caption: “Yes !!! No more fake halo for a year. #NoAngelo TRO at PLACE for 1 year !! @themelissaschuman. ”
    Aaron previously accused his elder brother of sexual abuse, claiming that a restraining order filed by Nick was retaliation for siding with his accusers. However, Nick refuses to claim.

    “His attorney, Michael D. Holtz, said that Nick and his sister Angel are trying to get Aaron to help him, and have sought a protective order against Aaron because he is not well and they are trying to protect himself and his family. Concerned for safety. ” In a statement to Fox News at the time.

    According to TMZ, Aaron went to the judge after the hearing and stated that he was too dangerous to possess firearms. The star reportedly said that he would move to another state to buy more guns.

    The outlet reports that restriction order docs were filed in September by Aaron after he allegedly threatened to send Hitman after Angel. She claims that she has a fear for herself and her husband.

    He told the LA County Sheriff’s Office earlier to Fox News that Aaron handed over two of his firearms to his officers. However, at that time Aaron claimed that he still had his pistol and gun for protection, which he would now have to release.

    Aaron had previously posted a video on Instagram showing that he had legally purchased guns and was a supporter of the Second Amendment