There is so much of the gaming world in the way Artificial Intelligence is expanding its frontiers. Because while waiting to enter every aspect of our lives, AI is testing and training itself in the gaming industry.
The thread that connects Artificial Intelligence to the gaming world is strong, stable, and durable. It is the story of a relationship marked by innovation and the future, by experimentation and investment. It is all due to the gaming industry, which has always represented a veritable training ground for all things technological, digital and machine learning. It is here, in fact, that certain instruments and techniques are applied before spreading their wings to other sectors.
Silvia Urso, a renowned author and gaming expert of, elucidated that artificial intelligence (AI) has always been deeply ingrained in the world of video games. “In the early days of gaming, experiments were undertaken specifically to explore the potential of AI. Indeed, the ghosts in Pac-Man were early examples of AI,” she said.
“Nowadays, some games are sophisticated enough to analyse and respond to a player’s behavior, providing a greater challenge and more dynamic gameplay. However, she acknowledged that there’s still substantial progress to be made in this area”. A first key word to understand the role of AI in gaming is precisely the verb ‘read’, which is related to user behaviour.
Let’s try to explain it better by looking at the gambling industry, where innovations and breakthroughs in the creation of online slots have reached incredible heights. “Here, in fact, Artificial Intelligence is used to study and understand the way a player frequents web casinos, understanding for how long, at what times, analysing how much he spends and in what way.
All this is done to prevent possible negative behaviour, sentinels of addiction or gambling problems, and if so, intervene. Artificial Intelligence is also used, in this sense, for customer support, with live chatbots constantly online, available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day”, continues the gaming expert.
“Another remarkable case of how AI can change gaming is that of The Last of Us 2, where the facial expressions of characters are not created by programmers, but drawn and decided in real time, step by step, by Artificial Intelligence, which chooses them according to the moment, the context, the action”, concludes Silvia Urso of Giochidislots.
An incredible hyper realism that will soon arrive in cinema or other areas of entertainment. But first, of course, you need the gaming licence, the forge of all innovation.