If you currently have mixed feelings about returning to normal after the end of the pandemic, you’re certainly not alone. Even with advice from the best love psychics and the best psychic readings online, it can be difficult knowing how to prepare for a transition “back to normal”. For instance, you may be feeling a combination of excitement and anxiety. However, you can help soothe yourself and prepare for the transition back by taking things one step at a time. Here’s how you can calm your post-pandemic fears and anxiety resource.
Think About the Factors You Can Control, Not What You Can’t
How you think about the upcoming post-pandemic reopening can make all the difference in terms of your fears and worries. Although it may help calm you down to get online medium readings, you can also help yourself relax by focusing on the factors within your control. Worrying about factors out of your control can easily lead to stress and anxiety. Simply focus on what you can do to transition back while still feeling safe and staying healthy. For example, you may not be able to control case numbers in your area, but you can continue to wear your mask, use hand sanitizer and practice social distancing when possible. As the situation around you begins to improve, you can adjust these tactics as needed.
Gradually Shift Back Into Normality To Avoid Sudden Emotional Shock
Too sudden of a transition could be a shock to the system and may even lead to emotional trauma. For that reason, you may want to gradually shift back into normality, rather than jumping all in at once. To do this, you should:
- Reincorporate your normal activities one at a time
- Check in with yourself every week to get in touch with your feelings and address any potential sources of stress
- Scale back when needed and wait until you feel ready to add new activities into your regular routine
Write Out the Activities You’re Most Looking Forward To and Focus on the Positive after Pandemic
You may also find it helps to think about the activities that you’re most looking forward to. This not only gets you excited for the post-pandemic era but can also help you stay positive, which may play a significant role in your overall mental resiliency during this time. To get pumped up, motivated and excited, you could try:
- Writing out a list of the activities you missed the most
- Setting goals for yourself and dates by which you want to accomplish them in order to overcome your fears and push yourself to action
- Focusing on the positive and avoiding irrational thoughts or actions
Feeling nervous, anxious or worried about returning back to normal after the end of the pandemic is a common sentiment, but one that you can overcome by taking steady and strategic baby steps. If you currently fear the return to normal, try soothing yourself and preparing for the upcoming transition by working your way through the steps outlined above.