How to Clean Your Lead Free X-ray Apron?

Clean Your Lead Free X-ray Apron

For most medical and technical fields that are at potential risk of radiation emission, wearing lead aprons is a necessity. Like every other protection gear, aprons also get dirty due to regular usage and need to be cleaned. 

According to an article published by AORN, Periop Nursing Team Discovers Ringworm in X-Ray Garments, some of the hospital staff received complaints about how “smelly” and “gross” their X-Ray wearables were.

Further investigation of the complaints revealed that the aprons contained a highly contagious fungus called Ringworm. The staff understood the seriousness of the high-risk situation and decided that the best thing to do was to address the issue formally. 

After bringing attention to this serious matter, the facility implemented regular cleaning schedules for their lead aprons and other wearables. The Periop Nursing Team now emphasizes “doing the right thing for patient, and staff safety”.

The cleanliness of the apron should be a priority. They should be washed thoroughly and regularly in order to maintain sterility.  Manufacturers truly understand the magnitude of the threat posed by unsanitary radiation protection gear, which is why they created their signature line. 

For both lead and non-lead aprons, vests, and skirts, you should be aware of the best ways to sanitize them from sweat, blood, iodine, and typical dust and dirt. 

Tips on How to Clean Your Apron:

  • Customers should surely follow the guidelines of the manufacturer for cleaner and disinfectant usage. 
  • Avoid repetitive and prolonged treatment at high cleanser concentrations as it may lead to softening of the core within the Apron if the cleaning solutions soak into the fabric. 
  • The recommended technique for cleaning lead aprons is wiping the surface of the apron with a cloth, followed by rinsing with a moist cloth. Then, wipe the apron’s surface dry. 
  • When you store your aprons, do not fold them. Over long periods, this kind of storage could lead to the development of cracks in the radiation shielding garment. 
  • Instead, you could pick apron and glove racks as per your requirement from the high-quality, signature line of racks available in the market. 
  • Apron racks are equipped to store and protect the radiation protection gear from creasing and thereby reduce the risk of exposure to harmful radiation to the wearer and patients. 
  • Be wary of improper cleaning methods that affect the quality of the lead aprons and require you to compromise on the protection of the gear. 
  • In the case of transportation requirements, lead aprons should be carefully rolled-up and placed in a structured box or tube. 
  • The aprons must be kept away from excessive heat and pressure. Because of this, they are not autoclaved. 
  • Stains should be cleaned by wiping them off as soon as possible. 
  • Clean aprons with cold water and a mild detergent or cleanser if the stain is tough and cannot be removed by wiping alone. 
  • When the materials of radiation aprons are exposed to other substances, there is a possibility that chemical reactions may occur. Hence, keep the aprons away from bleach while cleaning them.
  • Dry cleaning is not advisable for the aprons as it makes use of solvents that may not be good for the fabric. 
  • Careful handling of the aprons is essential. Thus, machine washing is not recommended for them.
  • Ideally, Aprons need to be cleaned every-day and scrubbed gently with a soft brush that is approved for cleaning the apron. Take care not to scrub the aprons too harshly. 
  • Remove residues by cleaning aprons with clean and cool water. Do not let running water flow over the aprons.

The importance of wearing and taking care of Lead aprons has now been established. Make sure you choose the required configuration of high quality aprons that can be customized and styled as per your needs.

Website like Kemper Medical offer a wide selection of high quality lead aprons. Check here and select your choice of configuration from the comfort of your couch.