Common hearing aid myth: Can hearing aids harm residual hearing?

Common hearing aid myth: Can hearing aids harm residual hearing?

Hearing aids are popular medical devices, which hearing-impaired people use to restore hearing. There are models of different types, designs, and features. Despite their popularity, they are still surrounded by many myths. Some people claim that wearing hearing aids harms residual hearing. Is it true? 

What is a hearing aid?

A hearing aid is an electronic medical device. It restores the ability to hear. An electronic device consists of several components and systems. Their number depends on the specific model of the device. Hearing aids, unlike hearing amplifiers, don’t amplify all the surrounding sounds. They amplify only the sounds you need, which allows you to hear well in any situation, for example, in a library, or a noisy restaurant.

Nowadays, there are hundreds of different hearing aids online. Each manufacturer tries to stand out among competitors, offering new features and technical solutions. You can easily choose a suitable model for your particular lifestyle.

Can hearing aids impair residual hearing?

In audiology clinics, many patients ask this question. People want to know if hearing aids can damage their hearing. Indeed, there is an opinion that a hearing aid negatively affects residual hearing. The ear, allegedly, gets used to it, and hearing continues to deteriorate. Any hearing care professional will tell you that this is nonsense! Where did it come? The myth appeared due to a combination of several factors at once.

The first hearing aids did not provide good sound quality. There were only a few additional features plus they were large and uncomfortable. But they have nothing to do with modern models! Today, hearing aids are powerful innovative devices. They produce crystal clear sound and automatically adjust to different surroundings.

The next factor that influenced the appearance of the myth is the process of hearing loss. Modern medicine can’t restore hair cells or parts of the hearing organs. We can restore the hearing using electronic devices, such as a hearing aid or a cochlear implant. With their help you can hear well. But they do not guarantee that hearing loss will stop. Indeed, in some cases, hearing continues to deteriorate, but this is not the fault of electronic devices. The physiological processes of a person affect it. Is there a way out of such a situation? Use more powerful hearing aid!

Remember, you can harm your hearing by using hearing amplifiers, which unscrupulous sellers position as hearing aids. They are very similar, so it is difficult for an inexperienced person to distinguish them. What’s more, hearing amplifiers are not medical devices! They are not designed to individually adjust to the hearing loss of a particular patient. These three factors influence people’s erroneous opinions! 

When used correctly, a hearing aid cannot cause harm! Much greater harm can be caused by refusing to wear them. The result of such a decision is the progression of the problem and even complete hearing loss. Scientists have proven that without constant stimulation, areas of the brain lose their functions. As a result, the brain ceases to orient itself in the flow of sounds.

Your hearing depends on the correct choice of hearing aid. Do not choose a hearing aid on your own. Only a competent professional can select a suitable medical device by using the results of an audiogram.

Adequately configured device compensates for the lost ability to hear. Constant use of a hearing aid can significantly improve the quality of auditory perception and improve the quality of life!

Benefits of hearing aids

Hearing aids are indispensable assistants for a person with hearing loss. As you already know, they restore the ability to hear. However, few people realize that hearing aids provide other advantages. What benefits do they provide?

Improvement of the vestibular system

With hearing loss, the brain works at the limit in order to perceive and process sound information. A hearing aid unloads the brain and frees up additional resources for other, equally important tasks. Among them is the control over the movement and maintenance of the body position in space!

Reaction acceleration in case of danger

Hearing aids allow you to react faster when you get into extreme situations. A hearing-impaired person gets the opportunity to make quick decisions in dangerous situations, for example, during a fire.

Increased social activity

Hearing aids allow you to remain socially active and involved in social life, regardless of age. It entails an increase in the quality and duration of life.

Reducing the risk of dementia

Daily use of hearing aids significantly reduces the risk of developing senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Not bad for small devices! Do not believe the myths and unverified information. Hearing aids are engineering marvel! Use them, and your life will sparkle with colors again!