Complete Guide On How To Choose A Blanket


Sleep quality depends on the blanket: it maintains body temperature at night. A good product is breathable, has thermal conductivity, does not cause allergies and skin irritation, and is pleasant to the body.

The modern variety of natural and synthetic materials often complicates the choice – buying a blanket is no exception.


The size range of weighted blanket is wide, and different countries have their own generally accepted standards. Make the blanket size selection according to the dimensions of the bed, the size of the available bed linen, the age, and the number of persons.

  1. Baby. From 80×120 to 110×140 cm.
  2. Single / Semi-sleeping. From 140×200 to 160×220 cm.
  3. Double rooms. From 195×215 to 220×240 cm.


The key characteristic of the blanket depends nly on whether the blanket will warm in the winter and whether it will provide comfort in the summer, whether it will be light or heavy.

Fillers are natural (down, cotton wool, silk, bamboo) and synthetic.

Often there are blankets from a mixture of natural and artificial components. In this case, the quality characteristics depend on the proportions of the materials in the composition.

Consider the features of the most common fillers.


Natural material with excellent warming effect. Blankets made of sheep, camel, and goat (the most expensive) wool are common. They absorb moisture well while being quickly aired, as wool is an amazingly breathable material.

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Lightweight models are suitable for the warm season. Such products need special care; washing them is not recommended, but dry cleaning and steaming are suitable.


At the heart of such a product is a thin natural protein fiber. Durable, durable, hypoallergenic material that perfectly retains heat and absorbs moisture. Silk blankets are not prone to the reproduction of dust mites. Thick and heavy silk blankets are suitable for winter and thin and light for summer. Silk products are elite; they have a high cost; however, when buying, make sure that they are authentic and that the goods correspond to the declared characteristics.

Bamboo fiber

Material of natural origin, gaining popularity. Among the advantages of bamboo are lightness, hypoallergenic, and good ability to absorb moisture. That’s why bedding linen is made of organic bamboo sheets for hospitals.


In addition to the material, the product’s degree of warmth depends on the filler’s density. The higher it is, the warmer the blanket.

Depending on the degree of warmth, many types of blankets are distinguished for the season: summer, light, lightweight, standard, warm, extra warm, all-weather, etc. Let’s consider the main ones.

  • Summer/Light. Blankets of this type are suitable for hot and warm seasons. Summer models include products made from artificial swan down, bamboo fiber, cashmere, polyester, and synthetic.
  • Warm/Winter. Warm models are designed for the cold season, children, and often freezing people. The warmest are woolen and duvets.
  • All season. Universal models. Due to their characteristics, they are suitable at any time of the year. Keep warm and, at the same time, are ventilated. It can be made of bamboo, polyester fiber, etc.
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When buying a blanket, in addition to dimensional characteristics, consider the season for which you are purchasing the product, and the features of the thermoregulation of the sleeper, depending on which filler and type of blanket.