Craigslist Nebraska: Top 7 Facts about Craigslist that will shock you

Craigslist Nebraska

Did you know? It has been 27 years since Craigslist entered the business industry with just 10 employees in hand. Today, in 2022, Craigslist has gotten upto 50 employees, and it is a billion-dollar company. Can you believe it? Craigslist has grown to be searchable by states in the past few years. For example, “Craigslist Nebraska” directs interested customers (buyers/sellers) within Nebraska to connect with each other.

However, what’s more, interesting about Craigslist Nebraska is that it recently kickstarted a controversy. No, the controversy was not initiated by Craigslist. However, it was initiated on craigslist. Want to know everything about it? Well! Why wait? Let’s find out —-

What is the Craigslist Nebraska controversy? 

To begin with, the Craigslist Nebraska controversy was initiated in 2020 June. According to the inside details, the Craigslist Omaha, Nebraska listing included an ANTIFA ad two years ago. You must be wondering what ANTIFA is? Here is the definition —

For the most part, by definition, ANTIFA is an official group of protesters opposing right-wing ideology. ANTIFA holds left-wing political agendas and desires to influence the country’s cultures of racism and fascism. 

Craigslist Nebraska
Image credit: The Nation

Surprisingly enough, ANTIFA is also popularly known as the “White Nationalist Group.” It is also known that EVROPA (a political group — sub) is also a portion of ANTIFA. 

On 1st June 2020, ANTIFA (sub-group/members) uploaded an advertisement on Craigslist Nebraska. According to the in-depth details of the advertisement, it said “We are ANTIFA, and we’re willing to pay up to 1,000 people $25 per hour for protesters in Lincoln, NE and Omaha, NE.

Basically we want to cause as much chaos and destruction as possible. We have a bail fund and legal counsel set up. This will take place every night through the BLM protest on June 13. You will be paid nightly, and can come and go as you please. We want chaos to help further our agenda.”

What’s more?

The advertisement clearly expresses the idea that ANTIFA is bribing (or hiring) people into protesting against the right-wing political agendas, which is entirely illegal in America. Not only this, but the advertisement further welcomes the protestor with the idea of creating chaos in Lincoln, NE, and Omaha. ANTIFA also insisted that protests are free to destroy anything they desire. To take things to an extreme level, the advertisement also mentioned that ANTIFA has its legal team set up and provisioned funds for bail from the jail. On 13 June, ANTIFA invited 1000 protesters (offering $25/hour). 

Craigslist Nebraska
image credit: The Nation and AP News

Without a doubt, this advertisement on Craigslist Nebraska attracted many protestors who desired to obtain the deal’s financial benefits. On the contrary, other protestors clicked (call to action) on the advertisement out of rage against the government of America. During the same time, protests upon the death of an unarmed black man (George Floyd) at the hands of white cops were wilding out in many cities and states. 

What is ANTIFA? What does it have to do with Craigslist Nebraska? 

To begin with, as you may already know, Craigslist is an all-American advertising website. Over here, buyers and sellers connect to purchase/sell (or provide service) in exchange for monetary benefits.

For the most part, Craigslist is popular for its unique theme. Unlike websites like Amazon, on Craigslist, anyone can put up an advertisement to sell (or provide service). It is widely known for buying or selling second-hand products at cheap rates. Did you know? The Craigslist company’s net worth is over 1 billion dollars. Surprisingly enough, the company has only 50 employees in hand currently. It is among one of the most effectual-functioning companies in the world. 

In June 2020, Craigslist Nebraska went trending on Twitter and other social media platforms. The reason is that an unknown and unconfirmed member of ANTIFA (a political group) uploaded an advertisement on the website. The advertisement suggested that ANTIFA was offering to pay up to $25/hour per protestor. The motive of the advertisement was to engage protestors in violence and destruction of public/governmental property. 

What’s more?

Why, you may ask? According to the inside details, in 2020, George Floyd, an unarmed black man, was arrested by white cops on the road. The video of George Floyd being held down by a white female cop went viral. However, what’s more, shocking is that, within 2 minutes of the timeline of the video, George Floyd died. 

The details of the video revealed that the police were holding down George Floyd with her knee on his neck. Not only this, but throughout the video, George Floyd was saying that he cannot breathe. But, the cop did not remove her knee. As a result, George Floyd died on the spot. 

Such undeserving death for unarmed George Floyd resulted in protest among all Americans. All American states’ people were dropping on the streets in groups. At the time, Donald Trump was the president of the United States. Not only participants on Craigslist Nebraska, but over 50% of Americans blamed the right-wing ideology for what happened to George Floyd!

Right-Wing Ideology in America (The United States) works on the lines of agendas such as — Anti-Communism, Religion, Nationalism, Populism, and Social Stratification. On the contrary, it has been concluded by many Americans that the Right-Wing Ideology works against civil rights. For example, religion should be a personal choice instead of an agenda. 

ANTIFA, a political organization, insisted upon right-wing ideologies such as Fascism and Racism. 

Was Craigslist Nebraska ANTIFA advertisement fake or true? 

Even though ANTIFA advertisements on Craigslist Nebraska, Lincoln, and Omaha created much chaos on social media. As it turned out, the advertisement was not official from ANTIFA. It was a fake advertisement put on to craft controversy and chaos in small towns. 

According to the details, ANTIFA claimed that it did not upload any such advertisement. Or, it did not plan to engage protestors to destroy public properties during an alleged protest on 13th June 2020.

After many protests on the case of George Floyd, all four police officers present on the scene were charged with a “Federal Offense.” Inside revelation says that the four officers abused their power as governmental servers. They further abused George Floyd’s constitutional rights, which led them to lose their jobs. Further ahead, they were also charged for not providing on-the-spot medical aid (as paramedics) to George Floyd, who died. 

Surprisingly enough, all four police officers pleaded “not guilty” to their respective charges. Yet, the court’s opinion and judgment were distinct. As a consequence, all four officers landed in jail with sentencing of 22.5 years. 

Top 7 Facts about Craigslist that will shock you to no end

The Craigslist Nebraska controversy will come to an end in 2022. Yet, of course, ANTIFA’s political agendas are continuing. When it comes to a buying-selling website like Craigslist, you wouldn’t consider it a controversial place. However, do you know? There are multiple shocking facts about Craigslist Nebraska, and other states that may leave you with a dropped jaw. 

Want to find out? Let’s take a glance —

#1: Craigslist was the source of the “The Mentor Murders.”

In the event that you haven’t heard about “The Mentor Murders,” we are here to tell you. According to the details, Richard Beasly and Brogan Rafferty, two mentors, used to put persistent ads on craigslist in search of labourers. Their advertisements claimed that they wanted labourers for an Ohio Ranch Project.

When any labourer visited the employer for a job opportunity, he ended up dead. In total, the employer (Richard and Brogan) committed three murders. Their spat of crime spree on Craigslist disclosed when 4th labourer successfully ran away from the murder spot and contacted police. In 2013, both were sentenced to death by the court. 

#2: Prostitution on Craigslist Nebraska (or any other state) is a fearful matter

Yes! You read it right. Craigslist has become one of the major spots of violent crime against all caste, genders, races, creeds, and whatnot. A few years ago, a frightening case of “Forced Prostitution on Craigslist” came into the light. According to the details, the victim of the craigslist crime was lured in for a job opportunity in the music industry. Later, she was forcefully moved to Queens, New York, USA and forced into prostitution. 

You will also be incruedled to know that over 300 crimes annually take place on craigslist as the mainstream source of communication between the victim and the predator. 

#3: Craigslist Unsolved Mysteries

For a decade, Netflix has been making numerous series covering unsolved mysteries. This is all in the conviction of getting information from someone all over the world. But, did you know? Craigslist unsolved mysteries are much twisted. Back in the 2000s, Donna Jou, a woman, responded to a party advertisement on Craigslist. The strangers met for a drug party at the predator’s house. 

There, Donna Jou indulged in the consumption of cocaine and heroin. According to the predator, Donna Jou slept after doing drugs. However, she never woke up. In order to protect himself from legal consequences, the predator threw Donna’s body in the river. Donna’s craigslist history opened the details of what had happened to her. As a result, the predator was sentenced to five years in prison. 

#4: The Craigslist Rapist

Recently, Netflix has covered “The Craigslist Killer” on its platform, a film documentary based on a 20-something-year-old man who killed a masseuse he found on Craigslist. But, wait till you hear about the Craigslist Rapist. According to the details of the crime, Delagado, a man (age unknown), hired a 42 years old woman on Craigslist to clean his house. On the contrary, the cleaning lady claimed that she was raped in the house for an hour and assaulted as well. The judgment on the Craigslist Rapist is pending due to a lack of evidence in the case yet. 

#5: Robbed on his own terms

Believe it or not, Craigslist Nebraska’s record of crimes has not left anyone out. A popular wine collector, Quy Duc Nguyen, once responded to a discounted wine ad on Craigslist. According to the details of the case, Quy Duc Nguyen was getting a rare bottle of wines at unbelievably discounted prices. However, the twist was that he had to travel to get the wine bottles from the seller. So, Quy Duc Nguyen did travel but only ended up being beaten and robbed in the middle of nowhere. HORRIFYING, Isn’t it? 

#6: Long Island Serial Killer (committed 15 murders through CL)

In the above heading, CL stands for Craigslist. When it comes to prostitution and selling one’s body for money, it is rather a controversial topic. Some people find it a way of life. In contrast, other people hate prostitution to no end. However, the Long Island Serial Killer took his haterade for prostitution too far. The details reveal that he killed upto 15 women who uploaded “Sex ads” on Craigslist. All murders were committed on a beach on Long Island. 

#7: The Fetus Killer on Craigslist

Sometimes, it is rather unbelievable for the world to hear what the world of crime unfolds! The heartwrenching case of Craigslist’s Fetus, Killer came into the light when “Roberts,” a woman who pretended to be pregnant on Craigslist killed another real pregnant woman as well as the child in her womb. 

Inside details reveal that the predator lured the victim by putting a Craigslist ad for baby clothes. After meeting the victim, the predator befriended her. While murdering her, she cut her womb and took the child out only to kill. 

#BONUS: Craigslist Nebraska, Ex-Boyfriend, and Revenge

Sounds like a title out of a movie? Well! It is not. It is the reality of today’s relationships. The case goes like this — boyfriend and girlfriend broke up. Apparently, the Girlfriend was the one who broke up. In order to take revenge, her ex-boyfriend uploaded a Craigslist ad about “Sex fantasy.” In the ad, he claimed that her girlfriend has a “rape sex fantasy”, and he desires a stranger on craigslist to fulfil it. Consequently, a person on Craigslist responded to the ad. The boyfriend provided the ex-girlfriend’s address to the stranger. A week later, a stranger broke into her house and raped her. 


What is Craigslist?

Craigslist is a classified advertisements website that offers various sections for jobs, housing, for sale, services, community, and more.

How do I use Craigslist?

To use Craigslist, choose the site nearest to your location, browse or search the categories that interest you, and contact the ad’s poster if you want to buy, sell, or inquire about something. You can also post your ads for free.

Is Craigslist safe and reliable?

Craigslist is generally safe and reliable, but you should always exercise caution and common sense when dealing with strangers online. You should avoid scams, fraud, and illegal activities and report any suspicious or abusive behavior to Craigslist.

What are some of the best tips for using Craigslist?

Some of the best tips for using Craigslist are:

Be specific and clear in your ads or queries

Use keywords, filters, and categories to narrow down your search

Include photos, prices, and details in your ads

Check the ad’s date, location, and legitimacy before responding

Communicate politely and professionally with the other party

What are some of the alternatives to Craigslist?

eBay: an online marketplace for buying and selling new and used items

Facebook Marketplace: a feature of Facebook that allows users to buy and sell locally

Letgo: an app that lets users buy and sell used goods nearby

OfferUp: an app that connects buyers and sellers of various items


From the controversial story of Craigslist Nebraska to crimes on CL, we strongly advise our users to stay safe. In the event that you are marshalling any meetings on Craigslist with strangers, please provide significant details of the person you are meeting with to your sustainable contact. Thank you for reading with us.