Daytime napping 1–2 times a week may benefit heart health

    Daytime napping 1–2 times a week may benefit heart health
    Senior hispanic man in hat sitting leaning back on chair sleeping in outdoor flower garden in backyard. Vacation at summer

    Who has ever said, I don’t like to sleep?

    Surely everyone does. It is the most relaxing and rejuvenating few hours where you can be oblivious of everything around you, and when you wake up, you seem to be super productive.

    The afternoon sleep, siesta, is even better. Amidst the long, tiring, busy day, you get to spare a few hours which is unfazed.

    Now, if it is proved that your siesta can reduce your heart risk, by almost fifty percent, wouldn’t you be elated?

    The research states

    Well yes, recent research conducted in Switzerland has proved that your midday siesta, a couple of times a week, can help your risk to many cardiovascular diseases and also the heart attack that is pretty prevalent these days, given into today’s lifestyle.

    Nadine Hausler, a doctorate at Lausanne University Hospital in Switzerland, published this research in the journal, Heart.

    Daytime napping 1–2 times a week may benefit heart health
    Researchers looked at the association between napping frequency and average nap duration and the risk of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular disease ‘events,’ such as heart attack, stroke, or heart failure.

    She studied data of close to 3500 people, aged between the range of 35 to 70, for 5 years, who did not have any history of cardiovascular diseases. Amongst the adults, whose sleep patterns were followed and studied, there were more than half, 58 percent of the people slept only at night. 20 percent slept 3-4 times a week, while out of each 10 sets of people, 1 claimed to have slept, 1-2 times a week.

    This last set, which slept on 1-2 times a week and enjoyed their afternoon nap, suffered a low frequency and suffering of any heart disease, stroke or a heart attack by a whopping 48 percent. Although much cannot be stated about the apt time duration for the perfect sleep, yet it was a general observation.

    No proof, but true

    Moreover, this research is a result of general observation and there is no medical claim. Also, there is no medical proof of what makes such a theory, the research has something to say, which might be further looked into to draw a scientific conclusion.