Does Travel For Dogs Go Better With CBD Oil?


    Does Travel For Dogs Go Better With CBD Oil?Some puppies can endure a great deal of anxiety and stress whether it be from loud noises, separation issues, or when they ride in a car or on a plane during travel. As the pet parent of a nervous companion, you lose whether you leave your pet with someone watching over them or allow them to tag along. Because either way they will endure a unique situation of distress missing you or leaving home on a trip.

    These are instances where canines can benefit most from CBD oil products that boast the capability of reducing these stressors. There are a broad spectrum of items including pet treats making administration for pets much easier. You can visit various online websites to get an idea of what’s available including It’s not necessary to avoid traveling altogether if you can provide a solution to make the situation more comfortable for puppy.

    CBD Oil And Travels With Puppies

    Most people like to take their pets with them when they travel as opposed to leaving them behind. Whether they stay at the kennel, have a caregiver, or fly, a majority of the canine species will suffer with some form of anxiety whether it be due to the separation or the stress of traveling into unfamiliar territory. 

    For some pet parents, the choice is to adopt a dog and never take another vacation or continue taking trips but live without the many benefits of canine companionship. Fortunately, dog lovers don’t have to make that choice because they can employ CBD oil into their dog’s health regimen to curb the anxiety reflex as opposed to nixing the family fun. Visit for more information.

    The non-psychoactive compound derived from the hemp plant comprises only trace amounts of THC meaning puppy has no fear of becoming high. It is also not sedating to the point pup will sleep all the time. It reduces the symptoms associated with anxiety allowing for a sense of calm, comfort and relaxation when your pet feels they are in a bad situation or have fear. 

    TSA Guidelines Pertinent To Carrying Pet CBD On Planes

    CBD oil that is hemp derived with less than 0.3% THC is approved to carry on a domestic flight per TSA guidelines. These were developed in 2019 to include pet products. Tips to remember when bringing products with you include:

    • Always follow the liquid rule that TSA implements as far as no more than 3.4 oz. (0.13 kg) that needs placing in a baggie that is quart size.
    • You must have a report from the third-party lab showing the THC level for the product and indicating that is in fact hemp derived. TSA has no way for making these determinations
    • If you don’t need the substance during the plane ride, pack the product in a checked bag.

    If your dog has never had CBD oil, it’s important that you try the substance well before you take your trip to see the type of reaction that will take place. Each animal responds differently to the compound and the desired effect can take time with some dogs requiring a certain period for it to build up in their system before they reach that effect. You should always work in conjunction with the canine’s vet throughout the entire process. Read what touts as being the science behind CBD oil for dogs.

    CBD oil

    Final Word

    CBD oil is not something you will use as a means to ‘drug’ your dog to keep him sleeping through the travel experience. The product keeps the pet in a state of calm and relaxed wakefulness, so he can have a big time right alongside you. 

    Hemp’s effectiveness has neither been confirmed nor has it been denied by the Food and Drug Administration or FDA. There have been multiple research studies pertinent to the use of the compound in humans and their pets with entirely positive indications. 

    These tout the compound’s effectiveness in situations of seizure, pain, and that of anxiety, plus a host of other health and nutritional potential effects. Anecdotal studies from those who have had success in cases of anxiety with their pets are numerous.

    Vacations can be exciting for everyone, including the furriest member of the family.