Epic to sell “Fortnite DLC” in stores again this holiday

Epic to sell "Fortnite DLC" in stores again this holiday

Fortnite Battle Royale is also a downloadable free-to-play game, but that won’t stop its creator from getting their mega-hit on store shelves this holiday season. Developer Epic Games, in a share with Warner Bros., is releasing a brand new cosmetic bundle.

The new bundle, called the Darkfire Bundle, will package together what Epic claims is $80 worth of in-game cosmetics for $29.99 when it is released on Nov. 5.

Fortnite Battle Royale is free to play the game but that has not stopped Epic from making billions from it. Epic has announced the Dark fire Bundle which is sold in stores this next holiday season.

Epic to sell "Fortnite DLC" in stores again this holiday

The interesting thing about this bundle is that the game’s developer Epic Games has partnered with Warner Brothers on this cosmetics bundle. There is a claimed $80 value to the pack but remember kids this is just pixels on a screen how much could it really be worth? the in-store price will be set at US$29.99.

The Darkfire Bundle will include three new Legendary skins, three Legendary dual-wield pickaxes, three Legendary Back Blings, three Epic Wraps, and one new emote. These thirteen things can create this Fortnite’s biggest bundle thus far.

Previous Fortnite bundles usually enclosed only 1 or 2 skins alongside many alternative cosmetics. These bundles were additionally typically platform-specific, just like the special Xbox or PlayStation skins, however, there are bundles like Deep Freeze that came out on multiple platforms.

The Darkfire Bundle will be available on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, both at retail or the systems’ individual online stores. While the initial announcement from WB only mentioned that the retail Darkfire Bundle would be coming to consoles, Epic has provided a statement to Polygon that notes that PC, Mac, and mobile players will also have the chance to buy the bundle digitally.

“Yesterday, it was declared that the Fortnite: Darkfire Bundle will touch base at retail on Nov. 5, 2019, for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. Moreover, the pack will likewise be accessible carefully over all stages including PC, Mac, and versatile,” Epic said.