Food Therapy: Healing from the inside out


“You are what you eat” is more than something said for comic relief. More than just a means of sustenance, food can heal our bodies. Many cultures across the globe have used food to heal their bodies, thus making them live longer and less prone to diseases ravaging the rest of the world. The general assumption many of us have is that healthy food is bland; this is also inaccurate. Eating healthy and using food in your healing process does not translate to the food being flat in the cooking or the flavor. 

An essential factor to remember is that our bodies are different and will react differently to the food we consume. When using food to heal, keep in mind that the food you consume has to be in line with what your body needs. The world has many fads regarding diets; clinical research determines what will work at any given time, so recommendations for healthy food and appropriate diets will constantly change. Your best bet is to ensure you understand your body and what it requires so that the food you eat does what it needs to do when it enters your system. For example, raw foods are said to be healthy, but others have difficulty processing them. This does not take away from the good food; it simply means it will only work the same for some based on our digestive systems and what our bodies need. 

If you are exploring the Chinese diet to see what will work best for your body in ensuring a holistic healing process, the T&T flyer has a variety of ingredients that will help you along the way. For example, they have chicken legs, pork belly, spinach, carrots, and a variety of other meats, fruits, and vegetables that will be perfect for your journey. The Chinese diet is considered one of the best in the world as it considers the condition of your body. Also, it takes into account the foods in season and the preparation of those foods. They have the best diet for a reason. 

Can food be used as medicine?

In healing your body, what you put on it is just as important as what you put in it. For example, if you have a skin condition, the food you eat can certainly help you manage it. If you have been hospitalized, your diet can help hasten your recovery by providing you with the nutrients your body needs to heal faster. The importance of food in healing cannot be underestimated or overemphasized. 

In Chinese cuisine, the roles of food and medicine are interlinked; they work hand in hand to ensure a wholesome healing process. They believe that food can be divided into five categories called “siqi,” that is, cold, cool, neutral, warm, and hot. These categories do not speak to the literal temperature of the food but rather what effect they will have on your body. Therefore, the consumption of specific foods depends on how you would like your body to feel when you eat them. A simple example is that you will not consume chilies if your body is hot. If your body is cold, you will not consume a cold salad. It all comes down to balance. 


The fastest and least harmful way to help your body heal is to eat food that will provide you with the nutrients that it needs. Conversely, if your chest is phlegmy, you will not eat okra. Instead, you can have acidic food to offset the phlegm in your chest. In this context, food can be used as medicine to balance out whatever disease is in your body. 

What cultures use food as medicine?

While it is predominantly Asian cultures that use food as medicine, some European ones, like the Greeks, also use food as medicine. African cultures, although less commonly explored, also use food as medicine to heal varying ailments, more so through herbs. The diets generally consumed by the different cultures consider that what you eat plays a role in your overall health, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual. Food also plays the role of bringing families together as meals are eaten together, and that in itself can be a way of healing emotional diseases. The goal is to understand your food and how it will affect your body so that it serves the purpose for which it is consumed.

Chinese culture is considered one of the best ones because it uses a holistic approach to healing diseases. Their diet also acts as a preventive barrier to protect their bodies from most diseases, as their food strengthens their immune systems. They have an intimate knowledge of food and what the different foods do in their bodies; therefore, they know what to eat to achieve specific results. This means that their bodies are generally more robust and live longer. Another critical thing to note is that they do not discriminate against or shame food; it comes down to eating what your body needs in the right quantities. Their methods of cooking are also fundamental to their overall diet; they are cautious to preserve the integrity of the food so that its natural nutrients are preserved as much as possible. To them, healthy does not necessarily mean deprivation, and it also comes down to portion control.

Another important factor to note is that the Chinese also plan their diets around foods that are in season at the time. This means that they can have a full house of nutrients throughout the year centered around what is readily and easily available. The crops grown are so much that their diet is balanced for them to receive all the necessary nutrients at any given time without lacking anything.

If you want to heal your body holistically, the Chinese way of eating may be your best bet. It tackles the physical and emotional aspects all in one breath. It will also encourage a lifestyle change; if you stick with it, your way of life will undoubtedly ensure you stay healthy for as long as you live.
