Getting back to work after a long period of rest and relaxation

    Getting back to work after a long period of rest and relaxation
    Getting back to work after a long period of rest and relaxation

    With reality striking back like a bullet train, celebrations left behind and a fortress of food not surrounding you anymore, going back to work after a break can be tough. Even though we all hate it, there’s no other option than sucking it up and heading back. But just because we don’t particularly have a liking to go back to work after a long period of rest and relaxation, doesn’t mean we can give it our best attempt in order to make our lives just a teeny-tiny bit easier. Here to help you break down the self-imposed wall of living in a bubble and return to reality, today we take you through steps that will help you rejuvenate yourself before you return to the gates of hell.

    Say bye-bye to the self-induced jet lag

    The first step is to embrace the blues. Because they’re not your fault. Researchers have found that the negative emotions associated with the end of the festive period, plus two weeks of irregular sleep patterns, not to mention irregular breakfast patterns, can throw our body-clocks out of synch and make us feel jet-lagged.

    Getting back to work after a long period of rest and relaxation
    Getting back to work after a long period of rest and relaxation

    Stray away from laziness

    The main thing to remember is that you will display some strengths and some weaknesses during your first days back at work. Start gently getting back into your daily routine. The goal is to break you away from your week-long relationship with your bed or the next confirmed thing you own. Hitting up the gym, going for a morning job, meditating or engaging in some aerobics might be a few ways to help you return to your grind.

    It’s all in what you eat

    Start the day with a green juice, yes this is for the detox junkies when getting into the office an hour before normal and then block out an hour in my diary during the day for emails and internal catch-ups.