How does your financial situation affect your choice of partner for a relationship?

Do you know that mankind began to use money as early as 1500 BC? Three and a half millennia have passed, but money remains the main measure of success and well-being of a person. Whether we like it or not, the financial situation is one of the main factors affecting the quality of our lives. Including relationships. It is quite logical that successful people tend to see the same successful partners next to them. How important is it? How much does money affect relationships?

What do the studies say?

Chinese experiment with two categories of couples

A few years ago, employees of a clinical center in China conducted a small experiment. They selected several dozen couples in love and divided them into two groups.

The first group had to imagine for a long time that the lovers were financially secure. The second, on the contrary, took the position of the poor.

In this format, the couples spent a lot of time, after which psychologists worked with them. The conclusions of the experts turned out to be quite interesting:

  1. “Rich” people over time became more demanding of their partners, both men, and women. The “poor” turned out to be much less demanding.
  2. Wealthy men admitted that they would like to see better attractive girls next to them.
  3. The “poor” group turned out to be more faithful. However, among the “rich” ones, there were more those who did not exclude the possibility of short-term relationships on the side.

The experiment showed that “poor” couples turned out to be less happy, more often, they suffered from misunderstanding and dissatisfaction with relationships.

Cornell University study

Patrick Ishizuka, who works at Cornell University, has devoted a significant part of his life to the study of family relationships in the context of the financial situation of couples. He conducted surveys of couples from 1996 to 2013. He was able to collect responses from more than 60,000 families in order to better understand how much money affects human relationships.

Ishizuka came to a rather interesting conclusion. It is not the financial situation of the couple itself that plays the decisive role, but the financial condition of the couples around them. Mostly their peers. According to the researcher, couples most often get married when they start earning as much as the families of their peers, friends, colleagues, or just acquaintances. Ishizuka also noticed that couples with lower incomes break up their relationship more often.

One more interesting point is that according to research, couples who live together but are not married are more likely to marry if both partners earn significantly the same amount. Conversely, if the difference in income is significant, then the risk of breaking up the relationship increases.

How to find your love if you are more successful and richer than your surroundings

There is an opinion that rich people generally have no problems finding a soul mate. Only those who do not belong to financially wealthy people usually think this way. It’s just that it is actually quite the opposite. Rich and successful people suffer from loneliness no less than the rest. They even suffer more at times.

Difficulties in finding a soul mate for them have several main reasons:

  1. High expectations and demands. A successful and wealthy person tries to find a soul mate to match their personality. It’s not about pride or high self-esteem. It’s just that successful people cannot be with those who don’t go with the flow, want to change their lives for the better, and work on themselves.
  2. Fears about the insincerity of feelings. A rich person understands that for some people, they are like a magnet. it’s not at all about feelings, but about the usual desire of a potential partner to get their own benefit. After all, a relationship with a rich man is precisely beneficial.
  3. Uncertainty in readiness for a serious relationship. Rich people are always busy. They are constantly on the move, constantly busy with something. Many understand that they simply will not be able to spend enough time with their soulmate and devote themselves to the family to the fullest. Therefore, they may decide not to start a relationship, postponing it “until better times”.

Besides that, not all financially wealthy people generally know where and how to get acquainted today. Approaching someone on the street is definitely not their style. Losing weeks or even months of your life on Tinder swipes is even more so!

Fortunately, modern developers have taken care of such a specific audience. Today, there are special dating services and online video chats designed specifically for the rich and famous. Let’s take a look at some of them.

  • Millionaire Match — This is one of the most popular dating sites for rich people. It was repeatedly written about by magazines such as Forbes and other world-famous publications. Each participant is carefully checked by moderators during registration. It is necessary to provide not only your photo and ID but also income checks. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to register.
  • Luxy — This is another popular dating site that has been mentioned by CNN, Jimmy Kimmel, Vogue, and more. The site was created for those people whose annual income is more than $200,000. According to the site owners, 41% of Luxy users are millionaires. 
  • Raya — This is not just an application for the rich, but for creative people and celebrities. Only a person who has at least 5,000 real followers on Instagram can be able to register here, however, that is not always the case. You can also be recommended by another Raya member, which will speed up the registration process.
  • The League — This is a dating site for professionals in their field who have achieved financial success through hard work. The League connects to your LinkedIn profile. Every day, the site selects five new suitable matches for you, offering you to start dating. A lot of the League users say that they were able to find their love on the site within a month.

The only disadvantage of classic dating platforms is that they take too much time and effort. Therefore, they are not suitable for everyone. If this format does not suit you, we recommend an alternative — chat roulette.

Video chat roulette is a site or application that connects random users via video. Many of these chats do not require registration and work literally in one click. On our own, we can recommend chat roulette Camsurf, Faceflow and They have proven themselves well enough and they are very popular.

Let’s summarize

What can we say in the end?

Rich and successful people face the same problems in finding a soul mate as everyone around them. A large amount in a bank account is not at all the key to a successful relationship. Sometimes it just makes things worse.

If you are financially wealthy and feel lonely, try the sites and apps listed above. Perhaps they will help you meet your true love, with whom the money will not be an issue at all. You don’t have to be single all your life. Successful people deserve happiness and family well-being no less than everyone else.