How Probiotics Can Support Your Baby’s Gut Health

Everyone heard about probiotics, but not everyone knows what their benefits are and how you can incorporate probiotics not only in your diet but your child’s as well. Moreover, you can start giving probiotics at a very early age, which will boost the immune system, support gut health, and provide your baby with the support their organism needs. In this guide, we’ll talk about the pros of probiotics and tips on how to improve your baby’s gut health. 

6 ways in which probiotics can improve your baby’s gut health

Probiotics have many health benefits, but today, we’ll cover only 6 of them. Here are they down below:

Reduced chances of infections 

Everything in our organism is connected, and if your gut is healthy, your immune system will be better as well. There have been multiple studies conducted that proved the healthy impact of probiotics on children’s immune systems. As a result, kids suffered from colds 50% less.

Effective colic treatment 

There might be many reasons why your child has colic. Sometimes, it is impossible to calm your baby down, no matter what you do. This can happen due to the discomfort colics can cause, especially if there is a chance that your baby ate or drank something that’s hard to digest. With the help of probiotics, your baby will experience less discomfort, and as a result, fewer colics. 

Decreased risk of allergies and/or eczema 

Food allergies, no matter how strong they are, always cause a lot of distress and problems. The best way to reduce the risk of allergic reactions is to not give foods that cause them, but in the case of babies, it is hard to understand what could cause certain reactions. Probiotics are what can help you deal with possible problems like allergies and eczema and reduce the frequency of those problems occurring. 

Probiotics can have a positive impact on diarrhea treatment 

It was proven that kids who take probiotics and are suffering from acute viral gastroenteritis experienced fewer symptoms, and the duration of those symptoms was much shorter compared to children that didn’t consume any probiotics. 

Antibiotics are digested better 

There are many situations in which it might be impossible for you to avoid antibiotics. Even though they are a good thing in general, antibiotics might not always react in a good way in your baby’s body. This is why whenever there is a need for antibiotics intake, it should be supported with the help of probiotics. The problem with antibiotics is the fact that they don’t only destroy the bad bacteria, but also annihilate the good ones. This is why it is important to take probiotics after the course of antibiotics.

Probiotics can help your child improve the digestion of lactose 

Lactose is a thing that can be very good and bad at the same time. Unfortunately, you cannot predict the baby’s reaction to cow’s milk or baby formula. If you see some changes in baby behavior and such problems as bloating, diarrhea, etc., adding probiotics might change the situation and help your baby digest products containing lactose faster and better. 

4 tips on how to improve the gut health of your child 

There are many things you can do to keep your baby safe and healthy. Here are a few more steps you can take to ensure your kid’s gut health improves: 

Implement probiotics-rich food into your child’s diet  

Once your child grows up a little bit, you can start introducing such products as yogurt, kefir, and others. These contain a ton of good bacteria and have amazing healing effects. However, avoid sweetened yogurts that contain too much sugar and their impact on your kid’s organism won’t be as good as plain yogurt. Instead, add some fruits to the yogurt, which is both healthier and tastier. 

Make sure your child is active enough 

Don’t let your kid sit around the whole just watching TV or playing games. Instead, make them move around a little bit. It’s important for your child to stay active at all ages–and it’s good not only for being fit and strong but also for keeping your gut healthy.

Introduce more foods rich in fiber 

Once you start including solid foods in your baby’s diet, always make sure you add enough high-fiber foods to it. Some good examples are fruits, veggies, nuts, whole foods, and others. Of course, you should start giving these foods to your child only when they are ready for it, so talk to your doctor before you do that.

Make your kid’s diet well-balanced 

From a very early age, it’s important to provide your child with all the nutrients they need. If you see that your baby is struggling with pooping, choose the best formula for constipation. If you notice some changes in the child’s behavior and eating habits, change the diet and include foods that would be more beneficial for your child. 

To sum it up 

Probiotics are vital for the health of any human being, no matter what their age is. This is why it’s crucial to enrich your daily routine with things that would improve your well-being and have a positive influence on your gut. However, before you start giving anything to your baby, talk to your doctor. The pediatrician is the right professional to speak to before you change your baby’s diet and introduce new foods. Good luck to you!