Yes, we know – the decision to study abroad has become one of the most difficult in your life. However, it was one of your strongest desires. Well, anyway, you’re on the right track. And we decided to make your path to a new future easier, so in this article, we will tell you how to overcome the stress associated with starting studies abroad, and how to adapt to new conditions with maximum comfort for the nervous system.
Accept This Fact Within Yourself
Yes, your parents, relatives, and friends are now far from you. No one else will remind you that you need to wear warm boots, be sure to have breakfast and write your essays on time. Therefore, remember the best advice given to you by your parents, and start following them on your own.
The faster you accept the fact that now you and only you are responsible for your life and all your actions, the easier it will be for you to move on. In other words, whether you want it or not (and since you have left to study abroad, then you want it), you will have to turn on an adult and a reasonable person inside yourself. Well, within reasonable limits, of course.
Meet Someone Who Is in a Similar Situation
You are definitely not the only foreign student in the entire college. Someone is also now experiencing separation from loved ones and is afraid that s/he will not be able to adapt and successfully fit into the new environment. Your task is to find this person and offer your friendship.
Yes, just like that, with a direct offer! Don’t be afraid that another foreign student will refuse to get to know you. S/he is in exactly the same position as you are, and at least one familiar person is better than no one.
Make Your Surrounding Comfortable
Surely you took from home several of the most valuable and beloved things to the heart. Furnish your room in the dormitory so that you feel comfortable, and try to create the most homely and relaxed atmosphere. Of course, you will not be able to repeat your room in the parental home, which is now so far away from you, but even a couple of inspiring things, like a soft blanket or a photograph of your family on the wall, will help you feel better.
Explore Your New City
Of course, many unfamiliar things scare us and seem dangerous to us. This is the case with a new place of residence and study – you just need to get used to this country and this city. Within a month, everything will cease to seem so new and alien. To do this, turn on Google maps and go explore a new city. At the same time, find out where the nearest store, park, what are the most beautiful sights here, and how to get by public transport from one point of the city to another.
Remind Yourself Again Why You Are Here
Motivation and focus on your goals can do the impossible. And since you have decided to study abroad, then your plans are quite ambitious. Remember your plans for life, desires, and goals. Complete your list with new ideas and keep the focus on the result. If you allow yourself to become discouraged, complain about life, and stress due to a change in the situation, your goals will remain unfulfilled. But you came to study abroad so that everything was exactly the opposite. So, enough to amuse yourself with a sense of self-pity, and let’s begin to really act.