How to Help Beginner Writers to Express Thoughts On Paper


Writing can be a very rewarding activity. If you are a writing tutor or a teacher, you probably know that to start this journey, you need as much support as you can get. Bill Tremlon, a copywriter for, has shared his tips from his own experience. They can help you be a good guide to the people you teach writing to.

Stay Supportive

Beginners might feel a little bit shy about their ideas and style. This is why it’s so important to create a supportive environment without judgment. New writers have to feel that they can freely express themselves.

Highlight that you support open communication. Be an active listener and give them the freedom to express their ideas. You have to guide them, not scare them. Once they feel safe, they can build confidence, be more open to sharing their writing, and come up with more extraordinary and risky ideas.

Brainstorm Ideas or Create Writing Prompts

Writing requires a lot of creativity. Whether you are writing a novel or an article, you might feel writer’s block. That can especially apply to beginners. This is why you should organize brainstorming sessions, whether just with you or in a group with other writers. Try to discuss the ideas by asking more detailed questions related to the theme. You can also create mind maps or encourage freewriting exercises.

A great writing exercise is giving your student a writing prompt. In theory, you can write about anything, but that sometimes means you have no idea what the theme should be about. By giving writing prompts, you make it easier for people who are just starting.
Introduce Young Writers to the Writing Process
It might seem obvious, but sometimes it’s good to start with the basics. That’s a good practice even for writers who know more than their peers. They can reflect on their own text and verify if they follow some basic rules of writing.

Talk about research, prewriting, drafting, building characters, adjusting the voice of the text, and so on. Explain how important each step of the process is. Always mention that the first draft is never perfect, even if you are a master in writing and a bestselling author. That can help them avoid disappointment and keep them motivated.

Analyze Good Writing

Reading is a very important part of learning how to write. Share examples of well-written texts with your students. You can read some passages out loud and then analyze them together, explaining why particular parts, sentences, or even words are used correctly and in an interesting way. Aside from learning about good writing styles, young writers can feel inspired to focus on their writing journey.

Highlight the Importance of Editing and Proofreading

Revisions and editing are some of the least liked parts of writing. However, they are very important. Try to explain to your students why they should edit their texts. Show them how to do it. Mention clarity, coherence, and proper grammar. You can also suggest some edits and explain why they should be done to give them a better idea about how to work with text.