Star Wars fans may be in for an extra treat in the new film – Mark Hamill teased that no one but Harry Styles could be surprised.

The One Direction star has dipped her toe into the acting world for years and appears to have also made a cameo in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Mark Hamill, who is playing the role of Luke Skywalker, confirmed that Harry appears as a storm-storm in the new film, teasing fans that it might star Melon Sugar in the iconic costume.

He tweeted: Tonight the #TheRiseOfSkywalker premiere was tweeted which finally closed for my adventurous family! Wonder who will be the #SecretStormtrooper in it?

Imprint Hamill indicates Harry Styles appearance in 'Ascent of Skywalker'

Imprint Hamill indicates Harry Styles appearance in ‘Ascent of Skywalker’

Assuming that they are all UK superstars (2 royals + 2 actors) but still no singers, all the clues point in one direction: #Stylestrooper.

She added a photo of Harry to a tweet from a Stormtrooper outfit – and fans could not find out if the image was a mock-up. This was when Harry first went on to play the role of the young Han Solo in Ron Howard’s film Solo, but the role was eventually offered to Alden Ehrenreich.

Daniel Craig, Tom Hardy and Prince William and Prince Harry have donned white suits with full helmets to give them sneak peek into the movies – although it has been said that scenes from the princes were cut because they were too tall.

The film will be released on Thursday 19 December and fans have started queuing up in Leicester Square, London, before the Wednesday premiere.