Carnival Row season 2 | Everything you need to know about the show!

carnival row

On 30 August 2019, Carnival row season 1 first-ever premiered on Amazon prime. To begin with, within 8 months, this American web series has gained over 88% of the audience score. However, the 55% critical score is still questionable. On one hand, Carnival row season 2 is due to launch amid the COVID-19 Epidemic. But, on the other hand, the viewers of this neo-noir fantasy-based series are polishing their memory of this show by reviewing it on Amazon Prime. This tells us one thing, whether the audience or critic, everyone’s eyes are waiting to see what happens in the show’s second season.

So, do we have an update on Carnival row season 2 new release date? Well! Let’s get started to know more:

Will there be a second season of Carnival row?

To begin with, after eight outstanding episodes in season 1, the show had left the audience in suspicion of what happens next? The season one ends (Episode 8: The Gloaming) when Philo joins Vignette. To be honest, we are yet to witness how long Jonah and Sophie will remain alliances? Above all, will Philo remain to embrace his ghetto background or will he restart on his journey of justice? 

Well! Since, Rene Echevarria and Travis Beacham, the creators of the show have left the audience in a lot of suspense, there will surely be a Carnival row season 2. 

carnival show season 1

What is Carnival row season 2 new release date?

Before the premiere of season 1 in August 2019; the creators of the show announced the renewation of the show for its second season already in July 2019. Thus, without a doubt, the fan-base of the show assumed it to be out sometime in 2020. However, due to COVID-19, a lot of prominent shows were delayed for the launch of their next season. Check out the below list:

Hence, if you are asking “Is Carnival row season 2 delayed?” Well! We regret to inform you that yes, the show’s second season launch has been delayed until 2021. 

carnival row season 1 monster

Is there a Carnival Row season 2 trailer?

Unfortunately, Amazon prime has not published any video-based teasers or trailers for the next season of Carnival Row 2. However, to begin with, we are presenting a brief the show’s last episode to help our readers recreate the memory of this amazing show. Also, check out Carnival Row season 1 trailer below:

Who all are in the cast?

  • Orlando Bloom is appearing as Rycroft Philostrate, a.k.a Philo. He is an Inspector of the Burgue Constabulary on the investigation.
  • Cara Delevingne is appearing as Vignette Stonemoss. She is a fae and Philo’s ex-lover who she thought died during the war.
  • Simon McBurney is appearing as Runyon Millworthy. He is simply a street artist.
  • Tamzin Merchant is appearing as Imogen Spurnrose. She is an heir-at-law.
  • David Gyasi appears as Agreus Astrayon. He is a wealthy faun who is treated differently amid the city because of his uncommon appearance.
  • Andrew Gower is appearing as Ezra Spurnrose. He is Imogen’s brother. Their family is down into the drains of debt.
  • Karla Crome is appearing as Tourmaline Larou. He is Vignette’s friend and ex.

List of Carnival Row Season 1 Episodes

  1. Some Dark God Wakes
  2. Aisling
  3. Kingdoms of the Moon
  4. The Joining of Unlike Things
  5. Grieve No More
  6. Unaccompanied Fae
  7. The World to Come
  8. The Gloaming

Carnival Row season 1 last episode explained!

The latest episode of Carnival Row is titled as “The Gloaming.” As the title suggests, this episode comes with glinting of various hidden facts of the show such as Philo is still into his ghetto-background. Further, He interest fully joins Vignette and faces there. Apart from this, Jonah gets to know that Sophie is only her half-sister. For the most part, in this last episode, the fact that the witch has been killed unfolded. What changes will that bring into the story? We are yet to see! Thus, stay tuned!

carnival monster and investigator


Now, we hope you know everything you wanted to know about the Carnival Row season 2. In this reading, we have polished your memory on various facts of the show. It is time to wait for the COVID-19 epidemic to resolve soon and we get back to viewing the next seasons of our favorite shows. Till then, stay tuned with us! We will update you on the Carnival Row season 2 trailer soon.