Lil Yachty’s new book about how to raise a rap star

Lil Yachty’s new book about how to raise a rap star


‘Raising A Rapper” the latest book released by Venita McCollum on raising today’s most popular hip-hop start. The book also contains a foreword written by Lil yachty and covers a story about his life and career.

Atlanta rapper’s mother has billed a step-by-step guide for parents rearing kids with dreams in the entertainment maintaining advice both practice & legal on helping kids to follow their dreams.

The rapper’s mother writes in on press release for the book that, “ there is this belief that all rappers come from poverty and this simply is not the case.

There are so many things that are still a sense of fear in parents whose kids want to cuter into creative industries. I have learned so much along this journey and hope I can calm these parents’ feared based on my real-life

Lil Yachty’s new book about how to raise a rap star

The parents after reading the book will support their kids to get their passions, the misconceptions for the rap game addresses and unlock all the secrets to happiness via success for aspiring talent.

The main outlines cover the real risk myths & rewards of the difficulties about the entertainment industry and focus on the support of parents for the kids to get their dreams.

As per reports, Lil Yachty started chirping with mother about his dream of being bigger than what she could see. After high school graduation, he kept saying to his mother, “ I am going to be famous and I am going to be rich. – just wait & watch.

The ‘Mama boat’ was not knowing about her son’s joint record deal with Quality Control Capitol Records and Motown Records would lead to a debut mixtape “Lil Boat”. Which was targeted a Grammy nomination and endorsements with Sprite, Nautica also features on D.R.A.m’s platform single “Broccoli.”

Lil Yachty shared with the audience on Instagram the book cover and states, “ Hiya kids, the link is in my bio go & buy my mom’s book, learn about my life a little from her perspective.

I encourage any mother raising an inspiring rapper to read this book as it could shed some incite on how my mother dealt with everything. So proud of your mother.”

This is really adorable!