Pre-Engineered Steel Aircraft Hangars: What are the Factors to Consider Before Buying Them?

Steel Aircraft Hangars

If you are in the market for a steel aircraft hangar, you should know a few essential things. First, there are two main aircraft hangars: pre-engineered and custom-built. Second, there are some factors you need to consider when choosing which type of hangar is right for you.  The global aircraft hangar market size is poised to grow by $1.12 billion during 20202024. The following article will overview pre-engineered steel aircraft hangars and factors to consider before buying them.

What are Steel Hangars?

A steel hangar is a structure that is built to house aircraft. These structures are usually large and made out of metal, making them durable and withstand high winds and other weather conditions.

There are many different steel hangars, but the most common type is the pre-engineered steel hangar.

Pre-engineered Steel Hangar

Steel hangars are more durable than other types of buildings. Steel is a metal with high tensile strength and can withstand many weights. 

And, as opposed to wood or concrete, steel materials don’t need to be reinforced with cement because they have their inherent rigidity. 

Components of a pre-engineered steel hangar:

-Columns and Rafters: Primary structural members 

-Girts and Purlins: Secondary structural members that provide lateral support to the wall panels 

-Wall Panels: Encloses the structure 

-Roof Panels: Helps protect your airplane from the elements 

-Doors and Windows: For easy access into the hangar

There are a few things you should take into consideration when purchasing a pre-engineered steel hangar: 

1) Size 

You’ll need to consider the size of your pre-engineered steel hangar. The size will be dictated by the number and type of aircraft you plan on storing. 

A smaller hangar will suffice if you only have a few small planes. But if you have larger commercial jets, you’ll need a much larger space.  

You should also factor in room for any future expansion. It’s always better to err on the side of caution and get a hangar that’s too big rather than too small. 

2) Location 

The location of your steel hangar is also essential. You’ll need to make sure it’s situated on a level piece of land. 

Your hangar can withstand high winds and heavy snowfall if you are living in an area with severe weather conditions.  

You’ll also want to be sure there’s enough space for your hangar. You don’t want it to be too close to other buildings or trees. 

Make sure to check with your local zoning laws because some areas have restrictions on the size and type of building you can construct. 

3) Cost 

The cost of a pre-engineered steel hangar will vary depending on the size and complexity of the structure. It also depends on the quality of materials used and the level of craftsmanship involved in its construction. 

Generally speaking, a steel hangar will cost between $15 and $30 per square foot. 

It is critical to note that the cost of a steel hangar is not only the initial purchase price. The long-term costs, such as maintenance and repairs, must also be considered when making this decision. 

Pre-engineered steel hangars are a wise investment for those looking for a durable and cost-effective solution to their storage needs.

4) Maintenance 

One of the benefits of owning a steel hangar is that they require very little maintenance. Steel is the best durable material that can withstand the elements and the wear and tear of everyday use. 

Another advantage of steel aircraft hangars is that they are easy to clean and keep in good condition. 


Steel airplane hangars are an excellent investment for anyone in the aviation industry. They are durable, low-maintenance, and can be customized to meet your specific needs.