Sarah Michelle Gellar calls Selma Tony Blair a ‘warrior’ amid MS battle.

    Sarah Michelle Gellar calls Selma Tony Blair a 'warrior' amid MS battle.Sarah Michelle Gellar calls Selma Tony Blair a 'warrior' amid MS battle.
    Sarah Michelle Gellar calls Selma Tony Blair a 'warrior' amid MS battle.

    Sarah Michelle Gellar says she continues to be impressed by BFF Selma Blair amid her battle with multiple sclerosis, especially since Blair’s progress is hard to track.

    “MS is tough and it’s totally different for each person,” Gellar, 42, told Page Six Tuesday while promoting her partnership with Lysol’s Here for Healthy Schools campaign.

    “There’s no similar path in an exceeding the journey, so it’s difficult to map out recovery because there’s no barometer in which to measure it.”

    Sarah Michelle Gellar calls Selma Tony Blair a 'warrior' amid MS battle.
    Sarah Michelle Gellar calls Selma Tony Blair a ‘warrior’ amid MS battle.

    She wrote, “I have expectations. I get impatient. I doubt. But our thoughts are powerful. I promised myself I wouldn’t judge this process.”

    Gellar, World Health Organization co-starred with Tony Blair in 1999’s “Cruel Intentions,” has tried to make her friend’s fight with MS a bit smoother.

    She is organizing weekly meal deliveries for Tony Blair and her 8-year-old son, Arthur, and was spotted pushing Blair around in a wheelchair during a trip they took to Disneyland.

    “Being a friend, being a partner, a spouse. They are relationships,” Gellar told us. “You need to provide if you expect to take care of that relationship and it’s, however, I’ve forever checked out it.

    While it’s won’t they’re my friends they might do the identical on behalf of me reciprocally and that I grasp that.”

    Blair unconcealed her diagnosing in August 2018 and has provided health updates to her fans ever since, including her struggles with insomnia and newly developed “peach fuzz.” Gellar said of her friend that she is a human, hero and amazing.”

    The truth is that she feels sick as all hell. she is vomiting and all the things which are not polite to speak of. Her son ran away from her.

    She had to get him to school. The medical treatments take their toll. She is going to get through this.