Muirhall Energy, independent Scottish developer announced that construction has begun at the Crossdykes Wind Farm which is a first step in delivering Scotland’s first subsidy-free onshore wind project by the company.

This declaration was made on Monday. Dumfries and Galloway developed the 46 megawatts (MW) Crossdykes Wind Farm in the western Southern Uplands of Scotland.

It is expected to produce its first power by September 2020. The financial close of the project was reached by Muirhall Energy and its partners WWS Renewables in August.

The local community Dumfries and Galloway were offered the opportunity to buy up to 10% of the project via a community share offer by Muirhall Energy.

“We are excited to be starting the construction on what will be one of the first subsidy-free developments to come online in the United Kingdom,” said Chris Walker, Managing Director of Muirhall Energy. “That is a testament to the work we have done as a company, but also the flexibility shown by all our partners as we finalized our plans for the project.


“We are currently particularly centered around attempting to our tight development course of events and advancing some of the different tasks in our portfolio which we believe can be made to work on a comparative model.

“With more than 300 MW to start development throughout the following three years, this an energizing time for Muirhall Energy.”

“Access to the Contract for Difference or some other help component would have an immense effect to the financial matters of the area, empowering the work out of a portion of the all the more testing assented destinations, along these lines guaranteeing inland wind makes the greatest conceivable commitment to meeting our net-zero environmental change targets while holding bills down for customers,” clarified Chris Walker.

The United Kingdom’s government is not providing support for this project.