Share your Music with the World


Artists guide to Spotify How to become a popular music artist on Spotify

If you create music you probably already know the most famous platforms to share your music, such as YouTube, Soundcloud, and obviously, Spotify. It is one of the largest music streaming platforms that gives you an amazing opportunity to reach out to millions of people all around the world and share your talent with them. Despite the huge competition, this platform creates a wonderful environment for music sharing, meeting new artists, and gaining fans. You will need a significant amount of followers, even larger numbers of plays and saves and to achieve that result, you will need some time and patience. Only hard work but the right and clever steps can bring you to victory. Obviously, you can buy Spotify followers and help your account take momentum, but even without spending extra money these results are achievable, and here is how to do it.

We collected some general tips and methods that will help your fame and followers grow. Keep in mind that it is a long process and your commitment is important. Do not be half-heart and fully put your resources, time, and energy into your future success.

  • Create a brand from yourself

Start imagining yourself or your brand as a brand and put every possible recourse to really become one. It helps gain public recognition and helps you to be easily identifiable and memorable. Start from creating a name you want to present yourself to your listeners _ If you have a band, think out something creative and symbolic, easily perceivable. If you are a solo artist, you can change your actual name into something else you desire.

Create visual symbols of you _ logo, posters, photo, etc. Help people to easily remember you. Create the story _ who you are, what you do, and whom you do it for.

  • Social networking

Your name should appear on every social platform. Create a creator account on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and basically everywhere. Share your news works there. Be active and interactive with your fans, everyone likes people who are approachable. Once you have a strong background on social platforms gaining followers on Spotify will be a one minute job. Your presence should be visible everywhere in the digital world. This is what makes your name spread through millions of people.

  • Try to create a playlist

One of the main things people seek on Spotify is a good playlist. Create a playlist and add your own tracks to it. Include your favorite artists’ music in the playlist _ the more famous the better. It will noticeably increase your chances to gain plays and followers on the platform. We have some extra tips to improve your playlist and make it more attractive:

  • Have a meaningful and creative title. It should create an idea of what kind of music will be found there.
  • Choose an aesthetic art for your cover. Sometimes a visual effect has greater power than the content itself. Get inspired and create or find an image that suits your playlist theme. In case you do not upload a specific picture for your playlist, Spotify will automatically generate a cover image using the albums of the first four tracks from the list. 
  • The first track is the most played track from the list. Add your own and most favorite track on the first spot. Make sure to select the song that is exciting and high-quality, users usually make up their mind to follow or leave after the first track.
  • Make the title SEO-friendly to make your playlist show up in the search results. Add genre and artist names in the title. Apply the same method on your bio, mention what genre of music you create. Once someone searches out these keywords your content will have a higher chance to pop up in the results.
  • Engage with other artists 

Do not stay in your own shell and create connections in the music world. Follow your favorite artists, share their music, contact them on social media. Connections will always help you to gain public recognition and fame. 

  • Be patient

Gaining a huge amount of followers overnight is only possible if you already are a worldwide known artist. If you are a beginner you should be aware of the time needed to spread out your name and talent. Do not let frustration make you give up if you won’t see a huge difference after a short period of time. It takes time to increase your audience, be searched, seen, and listened to. Patience will be your best friend in this journey. Apply these tips in your strategy and work and wait for the results. Have fun in this process and wish you luck in the adventure!