Shoe Drive Fundraising: A Mini-Guide for Clubs and Teams

Shoe Drive Fundraising

A shoe drive leaves a huge impact on humanity. From serving underdeveloped areas to promoting a better environment, you are helping humanity in many ways. Lets know about the shoe drive fundraising in this guide.

Fortunately, shoe fundraisers are becoming popular among clubs and teams. More people are taking interest in raising funds and helping the community. An effective shoe drive engages the entire community and generates a lot of money.

When you consider a shoe drive, it is important to remember that more people mean more money. If you are a club member and want to begin a fundraiser, you need a lot of support. Without enough support from your team, you wouldn’t be able to achieve desired results.

Let’s say you have a club or team that is dedicated enough to conduct a shoe fundraiser. It is time to understand the basics and learn how to plan it effectively. With proper planning, you will be able to achieve desired results with minimum effort.

How Does Shoe Drive Fundraiser work?

A shoe fundraiser begins with a facilitator. It makes the entire process fairly simple and easy. They guide you about the entire process and help you execute the plan perfectly. Most importantly, it allows you to begin your campaign with zero investment. They provide you with collection bags and promotional material. What is left for you is to go on the ground and mobilize people.

Here is the step-by-step guide through which you can conduct an effective shoe drive.

Recruit Some Volunteers

The shoe fundraiser needs a lot of people. You need to get every possible support from your club or team. Once you decide on the fundraiser, you have to talk to individuals and groups to support you.

Try to talk to people and share the benefits of shoe fundraisers. Tell them why it is important for your team or club. Once they realize they need it, they will be more than willing to play a role.

Try to recruit people from different backgrounds and areas. It will allow you to distribute tasks easily. Moreover, you can reach more areas and collect more shoes. Ultimately, it will lead to extra cash.

Make A Plan and Set Goals

Make A Plan and Set Goals

Once you have a team, you need to come with a plan. Furthermore, you have to set realistic goals. Divide the ultimate goal into smaller ones to track progress. For instance, you are planning to collect 40,000 shoes in 40 days. Split the goal into 1000 shoes per day.

To further divide the goal, you have to divide the shoes among your team. If you have 100 members, you can set a goal of 10 shoes per person. In this way, you will be able to achieve the ultimate goal without unnecessary stress. Additionally, everyone will stay motivated as they meet each day’s goal.

At the planning stage, you also need to decide on a meeting day when everyone shares their progress. It will keep you updated and ensure everything is going as per the plan.

Promote Your Fundraiser

Now, you have the material, plan, and team to conduct the shoe drive. It is time for the real job. To make people donate shoes, you have to reach them in many ways. From social media promotions to a door-to-door campaign, you have to find ways to promote your shoe drive.

Get some images and videos of your campaign and show them to people. You can also show videos of people living in underdeveloped areas. It will encourage them to donate shoes and help humanity.

Shoe Collection

Ask your club or team members to bring extra shoes. This should be your first collection of shoes. Set up a collection bin in your club to ensure easy access. The most important part of this step is to make sure the process is easy. Make it as easy as possible to donate shoes.

In the next step, you have to collect shoes from the neighborhood and everywhere possible. Your team needs to mobilize people and spread awareness. Again, make it easy to donate or people will ignore your shoe drive.

Ask Your Facilitator to Collect Shoes

Let’s Get Paid

This is the easiest step of the entire campaign. Once you collect your shoes, you have to call a company to collect your shoes. If you are working with a facilitator then they will be collecting the shoes.  

With mutual understanding, you will decide a location and time to transfer the shoes. It is a stress-free process.

Let’s Get Paid

If you have come to this point, congratulations on the successful shoe drive. Now, it is time to get paid for your effort.

After receiving the shoes, the organization will evaluate the worth of the collection. Usually, it takes up to two days after receiving the shoes to clear your cheque. However, it could take more time in some situations. In any case, you will get paid without any issues.


A shoe fundraiser is one of the easiest ways to generate money for your club or team. The entire process is extremely easy. Thankfully, there are many organizations that help you during the shoe drive. They provide you with the required tools and materials to execute a successful fundraiser.

The most essential thing to conduct this fundraiser is an active team. You must have a lot of volunteers to help you for the cause. If you are trying to do it alone, it is next to impossible to collect enough shoes. You have to bring in people and get as much support as possible.

During the shoe drive, you may feel that you are not collecting enough shoes. However, you shouldn’t give up. It takes time to motivate people but once you do it, you will see thousands of donations coming your way.