On Friday, at “ Ellen DeGeneres Show”, hosted by John legend, Gwyneth Paltrow discussed parenting about being a mom to daughter Apple,15 and son Moses,13 whom she shared with ex-husband Chris Martin.
The Oscar-winning actress confessed that Apple finds her ‘mortifying’ on the show as she admitted she ‘failed as a mother by making her teenage daughter cry during a ‘road rage’ incident.’
The Good founder asked by Legend that there is the point where she’s ‘embarrassing’ to them while Gwyneth’s are older than his two kids. She replied, If I do anything in public, past just not talking and standing still, she’s like “Oh My God, Stop It”.
The first time I yelled at her because she went through a red light and she is a really good driver and I try to be calm, confessed by Paltrow.
“Then she started crying and the situation is terrible and I felt so bad.” So, then I was like ok, I’m just gonna be chill and now she’s an excellent driver and I think everyone learned from the mistakes and so I” said Paltrow. She added that the ‘road rage’ in the car she kind of has and she can see how her daughter, “ take on certain aspects of you.”
Legend said that his beloved wife, the supermodel Chrissy Teigen has road rage too and it’s the pace I get out all my anger. Paltrow shares that ‘ I want to yell out loud at someone where no one can hear me.” while Legend told, “It is the only place he’s aggressive while being a calm person.”
Legend and Paltrow agreed by saying that road rage is futile and it’s ridiculous but I still do it and now she is starting to yell at people. She also shares on her controversial Goop candle dubbed, “This candle smells like my vagina.” when asked she replied that the idea that women have been taught to have a certain amount of shame about the body.”
It’s such a punk rock statement she explained in a way that if you just light a candle and that says this smells like my vagina and put it on a coffee table.