In a phone interview with EW, Boone has tried to make it very clear, “once and for all,” that all those rumors and assumptions that there were scheduled reshoots for his film are totally false and that The New Mutants will hit theatres. as it was conceived from the first time.
Everyone says we did reshoots. We never did. And I will tell you this: if the merger had not existed (Disney-Fox) we probably would have taken new takes, as any film does, but we couldn’t even do that, because after the purchase everything stopped and nobody could go back to record because the actors were already older ».The rumors about new recordings arose after the film delayed its release.
In December 2018, it was when the news fell that Disney would buy FOX for more than 52 billion dollars. Obviously the goal was to ensure the expansion of the world of the Avengers of which the X-Men have been part throughout the entire history of Marvel.
At that time The New Mutants suffered its first delay and the idea arose that they planned to retouch it to make it coincide with the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
However, actress Maisie Williams has also stated that the movie we will see next month is the same one that we would have seen two years ago if its first release date had been respected:
“The movie is the same one we made. I was nervous when it came to reshoots and editing cuts because I thought it would turn out very differently than what we had planned in the first place, but honestly, it’s exactly the same movie we always wanted to do.
”Director Josh Boone also told the story of how the film was incomplete following Disney’s purchase from FOX. According to him, the film lacked a good part in the visual effects edition and when FOX stopped everything, he simply left to carry out other projects. It was in 2019 when Disney approached him to ask if he wanted to finish the movie for them, which he did indeed.