The Grand Tour is a British television series that is produced by Richard Hammond, James May, Jeremy Clarkson, and Andy Willman, created exclusively by Amazon for its online streaming service Amazon Prime Video, and on 18 November 2016 was premiered.
The program was envisaged. Following the departure of Clarkson, Hammond, May and Wilman from the BBC series Top Gear and were originally contracted with 36 episodes over three years.
Amazon dropped the trailer for a special episode of The Grand Tour, which had a boat-based challenge with Jeremy Clarkson, James May and Richard Hammond.
A trio of presenters have evacuated their cars for the first time and set out on a 500-mile river trip in Vietnam and Cambodia in an episode titled The Grand Tour Present: Seamen. It will premiere on 13 December.
The feature-length episode is the first in a sequence of specials that the team is making for Amazon Prime Video, as they decided to focus on The Grand Tours Studio format last year, set in a tent, and there is a series of adventures.
For his trip along the Mekong Delta, Clarkson built a Miami sub-style speedboat in Vietnam’s war-era Patrol Boat River Hammond, while in May 1939 Wood River enjoys cruisers.
Georgia Origin Director of Amazon Georgia Brown said: “We know that fans love to see these incredible feats at exotic locations and feature The Grand Tour: The Seamen does just that – this feature-length particular Exodus is a thrilling one Promises to be off-road. ”
Filled with challenges and crises, Jeremy, Richard and James end up one of the most dangerous and exciting challenges ever. it’s possible.
Work is well underway on their second special, with Seamen’s launch in December, which has finished filming in Madagascar and will premiere next year.