Nintendo and Atlus are collaborating to bring Tokyo Mirage Sessions to the Nintendo Switch in a limited edition Switch version titled Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore.
The Switch edition of the critically-acclaimed RPG will be available on January 17, 2020. This one more former Wii-U exclusive that gets a Switch port, which probably means it’ll get a whole lot more appreciation from fans.
As far as the new things are concerned, we do know that the Switch version will be available with a new song that isn’t present in the original, a few new story elements, and the facility to play the game on the go (like you do with any Switch game). It also has left the fans guessing that it might include a bit more Fire Emblem than the initial version, considering the #FE is in the title.

The official description from Nintendo says:
“The universes of the Fire Emblem™ arrangement and Atlus games have run into each other again and the outcome is going to the Nintendo Switch™ framework. An interdimensional malevolence has attacked current Tokyo, bringing about this fantastical blast of music, style, and indeed, risk. Along these lines, battle back! Fight through cells to siphon up your system and innovatively wreck your enemies… before all expectation blurs to dark.”
You and the emerging stars you call friends will require to call on your own creative strength—manifested as the prolific Fire Emblem characters—to fight a secret war on rogue spirits that eat up creativity. Each and every encounter will engage you in deep, turn-based battles that combine the combat of the Fire Emblem and Shin Megami Tensei series into a wholesome harmony.
Blend in items to create weaponry; then play to your abilities and thrash your foes. Each and every corner will allow you to find fun nods to various fandoms, including Fire Emblem references, dungeons themed to the entertainment business and brilliant musical performances.