As a rule, the digital marketing strategy is included in the company’s main marketing strategy. Promotion in digital channels can be both the only way to promote the brand’s goods and services, and one of several. Marketing managers often face a lot of problems in their work, which lead to mistakes that affect the results. Even if you avoid making them, you also have to guarantee a stable and secure connection and monitor all the SEO points during your work, so make sure to get a proxy for Pakistan to achieve this.
Let’s look at two of the most common mistakes in more detail.
Drive Users to Social Network Groups
There are often persistent requests from customers to buy followers. It will be necessary to express the absurdity of this opinion. So, why purchased followers in social networks are not good for your business:
- You deprive yourself of adequate statistics. How can you judge the success of a post when 90% of subscribers are fakes?
- Imagine you have 50,000 followers, 5,000 of which are real. The system shows the publication of the first thousand. Only two of them reacted to it in any way. The algorithm, naturally, considers the post weak and does not show it to the other 45,000, 5,000 of which are potential buyers.
- To prevent this from happening, the problem is solved by buying likes. This is such an imitation. We don’t understand why we should first pay for fake users and then for likes from these fake users (and this should always be done; otherwise, the post will fail)?
Buying ads targeting subscribers and their friends (your most loyal audience) becomes extremely pointless.
Confuse Search Advertising with Targeted Advertising
Contextual advertising is a way of forming an audience based on search queries. The main components of success are relevance and the presence of a strong offer (preferably expressed in numbers). No need to be creative. If a user is looking for a red sofa, give them an ad with the title “Red sofa” and a link to the corresponding catalog. Improving the campaign can be compared to polishing — you can constantly refine search queries (for example, make a separate ad for “red corner sofa”), add negative keywords, optimize the bid — many small steps that, in sum, give a noticeable result.
With targeting (advertising in social networks), things are different. People targeting your ad went to Facebook to show off their scenic vacation photos, not to find a red sofa. Advertisement (whether it will be a promotional post, video, or image) should attract, capture attention, and surprise. The content of the ads itself is usually called “creative,” implying some kind of creative component.
The second difference is the weak rotation of users in targeting audiences. If the search queries “buy a red sofa” are usually entered by different people, then such interests as “family and home,” “raising children,” and “fishing” characterize the same group of users. Almost always, successful creatives fizzle out or burn out. It is necessary to constantly change either the message’s audience or the messages themselves.
These mistakes are not about immutable truths, but about how the communication environment is changing, and with it, consumer expectations. Internet advertising for students is still one of the rather narrow special directions. One teacher, one subject, one exam… In reality, the Internet is divided into separate media, each of which is actively evolving and requires a separate immersion. What works perfectly in one platform (dry relevance in contextual advertising) does not give the same results in another environment. In addition, networks are covering more and more space, and the type of thinking characteristic of an Internet marketer is penetrating more and more into classic marketing.