We’re excited to show more about Mana Trial, releasing on PS4 on April 24, 2020! In Trials of Mana, players will be able to strengthen their characters, not only by leveling but also by changing classes.
New classes allow characters to learn new class strikes and magic spells. Each of our six heroes can master a variety of attacks, depending on whether they decide to take the “Light” or “Dark” class.
For example, when Duran chooses a “light” path, he can become a “leg” who can equip a shield and use healing magic simultaneously. Along the “Dark” path, he becomes an invincible “dualist” with a ton of attack power.
In making this full 3D remake, the development team knew that we could not take the original dot art from 24 years ago and paste it into the game. Today we are proud to unveil some character class renders for you.

In translating the design from the original dot art to the full 3D model, we had to completely rethink how the classes looked and make sure the design fit the characters.
Here, we have two classes to highlight – Rizz’s “Valkyrie” class, as well as Hawkeye’s “Ninja” class, with some notes from the creator of the Mann-series, Masaru Oyamada:
For Risse, he has several classes based on Norse mythology, such as his third classes, Vanadis and Fenrir Knight.
Her second “light” class, the Valkyrie, is no exception, and we wanted to portray her with a powerful and powerful Valkyrie design. In the SNES version of the Trial of Mena, the design of the square was directly tied to the weapon artwork. Like, we imagined him armed with Valky Mail.
In the original release, his Valkyrie class dot art was depicted with a dark purple armor. However, in this game, we limited the purple to the shade of the design. I think it helped her capture her prime and proper temperament well.
For Hawkeye, his first “Dark” class brings the image of a killer. However, his second class “ninja” is more mediocre. Since the game already has a traditional ninja design with Nivaran ninja forces, we limited the traditional Japanese-style feel and went for a ninja design that includes more fictional elements.
Additionally, as there is also a third-class “Ninja Master” for their second-class design, we wanted to make it more like a low or a middle-class ninja.
Finally, incorporating the green from the original dot art, I think the final design came out very Hawkeye-Esque, looking very slim and cool!
The team worked really hard to add details and features for each character in these upgraded models and are really happy with how they turned out!