UN panel signals Red Alert on ‘BLUE PLANET’ due to Climate Change

    UN panel signals Red Alert on 'BLUE PLANET' due to Climate Change
    UN panel signals Red Alert on 'BLUE PLANET' due to Climate Change

    Scientists overseen by the UN panel have warned that the water levels are increasing, the ice is melting, and species are migrating from their habitat due to human activities.

    And the destruction of frozen lands is a major indication that it is going to unleash even more carbon, that will fasten the decline.

    There is little hope that the lasting impacts can be avoided, with intense and fast cuts to carbon emissions.

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    This is the latest in a series of special reports that have been developed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) over the last year.

    UN panel signals Red Alert on 'BLUE PLANET' due to Climate Change
    UN panel signals Red Alert on ‘BLUE PLANET’ due to Climate Change

    “Climate change is only putting on to what’s been happening for long naturally, and it’s that additional stress that makes things break,” explained Trenberth, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo. “It requires the experience well outside anything that’s been felt before. It goes beyond thresholds. As a result, things break, people die, and things burn.”

    There is no particular metric to calculate extreme weather across the world and a comparison of 2018 with previous years. The American Meteorological Society published an annual report on extreme weather. However, only recently they published the 2017 results and won’t issue its report on 2018 until late next year.

    It’s still a concern about how the majority of the world doesn’t seem to take the climate change issue seriously. Greta Thunberg’s moving speech caused stir earlier this week across the world. While many came in support of the 16-year-old, the others were quick to call her a political and overdramatic puppet.

    This comes just after Ivanka Trump’s appearance at the UN Climate Summit immediately after attending a society wedding in the city of Rome. Only makes you ponder where the priorities lie for the first world countries. We can only do our bit and…..hope!

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