The dating world can be very unforgiving, especially if you are yet to find your footing. Other than rejection, you have to fight the anxiety that comes with asking people out. If we’re being honest, even the most confident guys will falter at one point. Guide to Dating for Men-

Putting yourself out there might be risky business, but the hassle pays off once you find your special person. Is there a manual to help you navigate the dating realm? Do online dating tips for men really work?

Although it’s impossible to be absolute about a strategy, there are certain dating tips for men that would shift the odds in your favor.

Although some people might give the benefit of the doubt, always remember that it’s human nature to judge a book by its cover. So always try to be the best version of yourself.

You don’t have to put on a show. Ensure you look and smell nice and always show up on time. Be friendly in your approach, and prepare several icebreakers to prevent awkward silences.

Unless you are complimenting your date, don’t make comments or jokes about how they look. Save the jest for when you’ve known each other.

  • Be Intentional

Both online and offline dating might be exhilarating, but it’s easy to lose yourself if you don’t have a plan. There are different reasons why people date, and first dates help us gauge whether our prospects will pan out.

If you don’t know what you want to achieve, you’ll be stuck in a dating loop of unfulfilling relationships and meaningless sex.

Intentional dating allows you to manage expectations, both your own and those of your potential date.

  • Trust Your Technique- Guide to Dating for Men

Let’s be honest. Flirting is not the simplest task. It’s okay to be nervous when approaching someone new, but try not to overthink your technique. Trying too hard will strip your natural charm, and it might put off your date.

When talking to someone online or offline, assume you are talking to a friend. This will take the pressure off. Maintaining eye contact boosts your confidence in real life, and don’t forget to smile.

Your technique might not work for everyone. Learn to step down. Don’t be rude when rejected, and don’t keep pursuing someone who isn’t interested.

  • Plan Your Dates where You’ll Be Comfortable

Traditionally, men always plan dates according to what their partner wants. Typically, the options are always high-end restaurants or chic bars. Although these are not the worst options, such dates are always the last. Noisy bars make it hard to converse or see each other, while expensive restaurants come with discomfort and anxiety.

If you are not in your element while on a date, you’ll come across as distant, uninterested, or boring. However, you will be more relaxed if you’re in a familiar place or while you do something that grounds you.

Suggest date venues you are most comfortable with or something slightly different. Day dates allow you to plan for numerous activities, so this ensures that both of you get to do something you enjoy.

It’s easier to impress your date if you’re relaxed and having fun.

  • Be Inquisitive

There are many platforms that offer dating tips for men, and all of them agree on one thing. Always take a genuine interest in your date.

Keep your conversation topics light, and don’t push a topic that makes your date uncomfortable. Stick to questions about favorites, travel plans, make jokes, or play games. This technique is great if you’re shy or anxious. Light conversations will help relax both of you, making it easier to go with the flow.

It’s not always about asking questions. Listen to the answers and ask follow-up questions. Don’t interrupt your partner. Keep the conversation fair by answering questions directed your way. Be truthful in your responses, and this will make your conversations more fulfilling.

Check yourself to ensure you’re not being intrusive with your questions or oversharing from your end.

  • Be Present- Guide to Dating for Men

At this time, people depend on their phones for everything. Some sign up on the largest app to find love. While this is not a terrible thing, some people have become overly dependent on their phones, so they can’t put them down even while on a date.

While planning for a date, clear your schedule and focus on spending time with your date. This will ensure that you don’t have urgent emails and messages to respond to or unending calls in the middle of your date.

If you are a social media addict, consider leaving your phone behind. If this gives you separation anxiety, put your phone on silent mode and keep it away from the table.

Scrolling your feed and opening your messages while on a date makes you rude and inconsiderate, and it’s a sign that you’re not interested in your partner or what they have to say.

Take in your surroundings, breathe in, and relax. Pay attention to your senses, and allow yourself to feel it all. Savor the moment and have fun. The world outside can wait.

  • Heed Your Body Language- Guide to Dating for Men

Your body language will express more than your words ever will. However, your body language can be compromised when nervous or anxious. Your body might twitch uncomfortably, and your throat may dry. This doesn’t mean that you are a horrible date, so don’t pressure yourself into acting ‘normal.’ Instead, give your body some time to adjust to the anxiety of meeting someone new. Take in deep breaths and relax your body. Some people fight the momentary panic by having a drink.

Trying to fight your body’s response will only heighten your anxiety. Smile and try to maintain eye contact with your date. If you struggle with social anxiety, you can read the best dating advice books for men and learn how to deal with it.


As you have seen, dating advice for men is not rocket science. To be successful in your dating life, you must be clean, courteous, and have good communication skills. Being human is a big deal of the process – if you try too hard to be perfect, you might lose your charm and the individuality that makes you unique.

What dating tips for men do you think are effective?