Various ways to repay your lifetime free credit card bill

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Referred to as plastic money, a lifetime free credit card is a convenient mode of payment. Now, it is quite common for people to complain about credit card dues. However, there are multiple ways of efficiently tackling credit card debt. Go through this article to read about a few tips on how to pay a credit card bill that can help in conveniently managing your finances.

  • Consider a balance transfer

In case you are caught up in a debt cycle, one of the possible options is transferring your balance or your dues from one free lifetime credit card to another. Through this credit card payment method, you can shift your dues from one high-interest credit card to another that offers lower interest charges. Using this option can help you in availing a renewed credit-free period. However, it is imperative to remember that the number of days depends on the card provider or bank’s policies. Some banks may allow a longer tenure for repayment.

  • Use the autopay facility

A bank offering the best lifetime free credit card will also allow you to pay the bill through the system of standing instruction, or autopay. As credit cards have high-interest rates and late payment fees, signing up for the automatic payment facility is a sensible choice for paying bills on time. With the help of the auto payment facility, the bill amount will be deducted from your account without requiring you to intervene manually. Through autopay, you need not worry about missing the due dates even if you are out of town or not able to access your bank.

  • Paying off high-interest cards first

The bill for a free lifetime credit card with a higher interest rate will cost you more in the future than the cards with lower interest rates. It is better for you to pay at least the minimum outstanding amount on your different credit cards on the due dates or before these dates. It is advisable to pay off the card with the highest interest rate first. Prioritising a high-interest-free lifetime credit card is important because, even if it is easier to pay the bills of smaller cards first, the cards with higher interest will add up in the long run.

  • Convert payments to EMIs

If it ever happens that you are unable to repay your free lifetime credit card’s outstanding amount, please contact your bank. Then, request for converting the outstanding amount into monthly EMIs. However, please make note of the fact the bank will charge a monthly interest if you were to use the EMI facility. In addition to the rate of interest, there will also be a processing fee that will be charged.

When used recklessly, credit cards can significantly cause damage to your finances. However, if the same free lifetime credit card used were to be used smartly, it can help you meet your financial needs. Also, it will be wise for you to sign up for a credit card that offers a wide range of benefits for the lowest rates of interest. For competitive interest rates, consider opting for IDFC FIRST Bank’s credit cards.