The Last Kingdom season 4 has finally arrived | View what’s new!

season 4

On 26 April 2020, The Last Kingdom season 4 aired on Netflix. After a long wait, the viewers of the last kingdom finally received the treat of season 4 with 10 British historical fiction-based drama episodes. So, are you thrilled to know what’s new about the last kingdom in its fourth year? 

In this reading, we are offering the top 10 spoiler alerts about the Last kingdom season four. And, how the series has turned out to be different from the predictions that the viewers made prior to the airing of season 4. Thus, let’s get started:

Does Uhtred die in the last kingdom season 4?

To begin with, viewers have a very strong instinct that Uhred will die in the upcoming season. It turns out, he does not die. Instead, Beocca dies. How does Beocca die? Well! Beocca is the childhood tutor of Uhtred. In the series, he is a priest and quite a brave personality. To seek revenge against Uhtred, Wihtgar shoots Beocca even after everyone in the war field drops their swords. Above all, the war takes place in Bebbanburg. 

last kingdom season 1

Was Lord Uhtred real?

Well! More often than not, viewers assume a historical series to be true in some way or the other. Similarly, the audience has remained very curious to know whether or not Lord Uhtred was real. To begin with, Uhtred is not real. Although, this web series is based on Bernard Cornwell’s The Saxon Stories. The series first aired on BBC America in 2015. However, there’s a myth going around that the character of Uhtred is based on a true leader in the past. 

What happened to Sigurd Snake in the eye?

Sigurd has astigmatism in his eye. It is a medical condition where the eye’s curvature becomes imperfect due to nature’s cause. To begin with, the patients of astigmatism also suffer from blurry vision. In 2020, for those who have real-time astigmatism can get laser surgery treatment. However, since the Last Kingdom is a story that goes back to the centuries fictionally, thus, Sigurd Snake is somehow a unique astigmatism-suffering character in the last kingdom who is also appearing in season 4. 

last kingdom season 2

Who is Bjorn’s real father?

In the Netflix original web series, the Last Kingdom, Bjorn’s real father Ragnar Lothbrok. Keeping aside how the last kingdom is constructed, Ragnar Lothbrok was indeed a legendary Viking King. However, in the series, Ragnar Lothbrok is the step-father of Uhtred who adopts him.

What is the Last Kingdom plot?

The Last Kingdom series revolves around the tale of the Lord Uhtred of Bebbanburg. The storyline starts with the scene 10 years after 872. According to the story, in 872, the invading Danes created war-based chaos and resulted in the separation of Kingdoms. In the present, the premises (all kingdoms togetherly) known as England. 

After 872, Wessex, the Kingdom of King Alfred remained alone and helpless. Furthermore, this story is about Uhtred who was born in 872, but during the invading Danes’s arrival, they took the baby and involved themselves in his upbringing. At present in the story, Uhtred is all grown up now, but, yet to choose between his real-family or country where he was born and those who brought him up (called Beocca). 

last kingdom Ragnar

To summarize, the last kingdom is a fictional war between the English people (the Saxons) and the Vikings. Both of them want to transform the world into a new nation according to their beliefs and visualization. However, Uhtred (the protagonist) is keeping both parties on the line compromise. 


In conclusion, this story from The Saxon Stories by Bernard Cornwell turns out to be more interesting on the big screen. This web series does not simply bring historical-action to the screens, but also emotional drama and chilling flashbacks to 872. Apart from this, the childhood of Uhtred in the story contains a lot of emotional flashbacks and thus, it makes perfect sense for those viewers who love to mix emotions up with adventure, action, thriller, and mystery. 

Uhtred in the last kingdom

Watch the last kingdom season 4 today at Netflix. Or, download complete season 4 of the last kingdom at Movie4k. Check out the beginner’s guide for Movie4k here.