What Is Sustainable Swimwear And Why Should I Buy It


    With vacation season in its full peak the question of finding the best swimsuit for your needs has never been more important. However, while picking out the bikini for your upcoming vacation, there’s another question to consider: is this swimwear sustainable? If sustainable beachwear is something you’ve heard for the first time right now, read on to find out more about this great eco-friendly idea. Lets find out what is sustainable swimwear and why you should buy it. 

    What is sustainability?

    Sustainability is the type of development which has our planet’s interests in the forefront, trying to affect it in the least possible way while reaching the society’s development goals. At the first glance, fashion and sustainability don’t seem to go hand in hand. In order to follow current trends we are encouraged to throw out our old things and mindlessly buy, buy and buy. Thankfully, the concern about our planet’s current state is seeping into every facet of our society, and fashion is no exception. Eco-friendly fashion companies are popping up right, left and center, and sustainable swimwear companies are starting to gain some traction. 

    How is sustainable swimwear different?

    In order to understand the need for sustainable swimwear, we should first talk about why so-called regular swimwear is so harmful to planet earth. Swimsuits are one of the worst offenders when it comes to chemical pollution. Your regular fast fashion bikinis are commonly made out of petrochemicals, a type of synthetic fibre. According to people in the sustainable fashion industry, drilling for these fibres is extremely detrimental to our environment. To add some insult to injury, most of the drilling takes place in impoverished parts of the world so modern slavery is unfortunately a part of the process. While making a pair of sustainable swim trunks, all of the fails of high street fashion are accounted for. Harmful chemicals aren’t used in the production process and workers are being paid a fair livable wage.

    What fabrics are used to make sustainable swimwear?

    When buying your next pair of swim trunks look out for these ingredients on the labels. Since using petrochemicals is out of the question, companies which are making sustainable beachwear have to get a bit more creative. 

    Econyl yarn is one of the most commonly used materials. It’s a type of recycled nylon whose production is extremely low-impact to our environment. There’s an added benefit to econyl – it can be endlessly recycled back. Another material commonly used for swimwear that is made out of Econyl is called Carvico Vita.

    Recycled polyester is a type of fabric made out of recycled plastic bottles by breaking down the plastic and weaving it into ready to use fabric. Even though recycled materials are much better than the alternative, you should know that this is still not the greenest option. When washing your swimwear some of the microplastics will eventually end up in the water sources.

    Though there are many types of synthetic materials which are less harmful than your regular petrochemical rich fibres, the most eco-friendly decision you can make regarding your swimwear is to get those made out of natural fibres. Though you should have in mind that regular cotton or hemp fabrics may not be the best idea for beachwear since they tend to become quite shapeless over time. Some smarter manufacturers are reinventing these fabrics so your swimwear will be more long lasting.

    Why should you get a pair of sustainable swimwear?

    If you’re someone who cares about the environment and is trying to have the smallest possible carbon footprint, getting sustainable swimwear instead of unsustainable one is a no brainer. This way you will be supporting smaller companies, workers involved will be paid fairly and you will be contributing to the reduction of microplastics in our water supplies.