Admitting yourself to rehab is a significant step to recovery from substance abuse. However, it is undeniably a nerve-wracking experience, and you probably have many questions about the facility and what to expect during your time there. This article won’t answer all those questions; instead, we will focus on many people’s common questions when entering an inpatient substance abuse treatment center: What should I pack?
There are many rules and regulations on what patients can bring; even things that appear to be innocuous (like nail trimmers) could be banned. That’s why it is essential to have some knowledge of how these facilities operate. Continue reading the article below to learn more about what you can and can’t bring to an inpatient substance abuse treatment.
Choose Appropriate Clothing For the Occasion
Your garments should not be provocative or have any messages on them. Bring ordinary attire and ensure that you have agreeable clothes like sweats, nightwear, and baggy things to keep you comfortable.
Numerous therapy clinics have pools, saunas, and even jacuzzis, so you might need to bring a bathing suit. Bathing suits should be shorts for men, not speedos (these would be viewed as provocative); for ladies, bathing suits should be one-piece.
Medications and Prescriptions
Your PCP should endorse any physician-recommended meds you are taking, and they must be pre-approved by the office when you are admitted. Prescriptions should be marked with your name, the name of the medication, the measurement to be regulated, and the recurrence of intake.
Any unprescribed medications, liquor, or illegal substances will be removed from your person.
You Might Need Cash
Yes. You might require cash. Petty cash may be necessary to get snacks and beverages from vending machines. There may also be occasions where you go on field trips; having cash on hand gives you the freedom to make small purchases while outside.
Sometimes, long-term-recovery programs put your cash in a locked safe; they will then, at that point, oversee it.
ID and Protection Data:
Have your ID with you during inpatient substance abuse treatment. You’ll require your state card or permit. These things will be fundamental for excursions and are likewise great to have with you consistently.
Weapons Of Any Kind Are Not Allowed
Leave all possible weapons at home. This incorporates firearms, blades, scissors, or any short articles that might be seen as hazardous. While in rehab, you and the other patients are in a fragile state of mind and can be a danger to yourself and others.
Candles and Incense
Individuals might involve candles or incense as a method for de-stressing or establishing a quiet climate; however, they are generally not allowed in recovery. As we have mentioned above, many patients are at an increased risk of self-harm during this period of recovery. Consequently, items that require fire to operate won’t be allowed inside the facility.
Food or Beverages
Outside food and beverages are typically restricted. The inpatient substance abuse treatment center will provide nutritious dinners to supplement treatment plans.
Suppers, snacks, and drinks will typically be given in an inpatient substance abuse treatment center, particularly during clinical detox and other ongoing programming.
The First Step On The Road To Recovery
Congratulations, you are taking a significant step in your journey to living a sober life. Entering a drug treatment center can be a scary proposition, but if you follow our guide on what to bring, you will at least be stepping in with the right foot forward.