Youtube Comments Not loading: What to do? 

uoutube comments not loading

Youtube is a fun virtual place to spend your free time. You get to explore a lot of stuff. From popular youtube series, music videos, gaming videos, funny and entertaining videos, youtube has become an entertainment hub. One of the best fact about youtube is that you can view public comments on the video content. It is generally helpful when youtube comments are enabled. Many YouTubers use comments to analyze what their viewers are eager to see on the platform. However, unexpected situations like youtube comments not loading can develop a frustrating scenario for you and other viewers. What to do? Well, this brief guide will help you resolve this problem. 

Source: Youtube

Youtube comments not loading? Well! It can be a tense situation. You want to know what other viewers think, but youtube ditches you in-between. Don’t worry! Some easy tricks can help you to load youtube comments with zero interruptions. How? We will tell you. But, before we go ahead, let’s see why the “youtube comments not loading” error occurs in the first place? 

Why do I see “Youtube comments not loading” errors? 

There can be far many reasons for youtube comments to disappear. However, the following are some commonly observed issues that you may not be able to view the comments. So, let’s take a glance: 

Browser issues: Are you using Google Chrome? 

To begin with, Google Chrome is one of the most common browsers used in Smartphones, PC(s), and MacBooks. Even though there are very few things about Google Chrome that may disappoint you, “youtube comments not loading” in the Chrome browser is very common. For the most part, youtube is an open-viewable platform.

Source: Youtube

It does not restrict users from viewing youtube content and comments, whether the user is logged in or not. But, Google Chrome opposes this feature due to safety & security issues. 

Youtube comments have been disabled

On youtube, you can see many videos on which youtube comments were available before. However, the previous comments are not loading now. The reason being, the owner of the channel, may have disabled comments on the respective video. For some reason, youtube sometimes tries to load former comments. However, it cannot.

The page has not fully loaded

While using youtube on the browser, the user taps on the “cross” icon in the address bar. Due to this tendency, the page does not load at its full potential. You may be willing to play the video. Also, you will be able to see the options in the upper portion of the screen.

Source: Youtube

However, since the page has not loaded completely, youtube comments may not appear. In a few cases, the second half portion of the youtube may appear blank. 

Abusive or inappropriate comments

The world of the internet can be mean. No user gives a second thought before commenting on something offensive, inappropriate, abusive, or illegal. Thus, a video which may contain inappropriate comments in large volume. For such videos, youtube comments do not load. 

Comments have been deleted

Other than the reasons based on the end-user, sometimes the “youtube comments not loading” error also occurs because the channel owner has deleted comments in large volume. Youtube gives its channel owners full-authority to manage comments. In case a youtubers’ video consists of abusive conversations and illegal subjects, it automatically alerts the channel owner to take individual action. Otherwise, YouTube deletes such videos. 

Apart from these five common reasons, youtube comments disappear, and errors may transpire. In that case, we bring you the best ways to fix this error. Let’s take a glance:

How to fix youtube comments not loading issues? 

Change your browser 

Google Chrome or other prominent browsing apps may interrupt your viewership on youtube. When youtube comments do not load, it can be because you haven’t logged in. Thus, you can either change your browser to Microsoft Edge (which does not require login) or simply log in to your youtube account. 

It is also crucial to mention that using a browser that contains loopholes in its safety & security settings can create more significant issues for you. Hence, stay alert!

Refresh the page

In case your page hasn’t loaded completely, refresh it! It is also recommendable to use youtube with patience. Youtube’s single video contains much content and features all-in-one place. Hence, if your internet speed is slow, give it time to load with its full potential. 

Try some other video

Again, the channel owner may have restricted or deleted comments on a given video. In this case, it is suitable to review comments on other videos uploaded on the same youtube channel. If a similar error occurs, check whether comments on other youtube channel videos are loading or not. If the other channel disclosed comments without any error, chances are, the other videos’ owner may have restricted the comments. 

Write a comment

To begin with, the youtube comment section is a chaotic place. Users from all over the world drop their opinion here. In that case, if your youtube comment does not seem to appear, it may have gone “restricted” because of the language you have used. In the event that you have posted something inappropriate, illegal, or abusive in the comment section, there are 99% chances that it has been blocked by youtube itself. 

Thus, try writing another comment that does not include “abusive, illegal subject, hateful or inappropriate words.” If the new comment loads successfully, then the problem seems to be your language. 

Sort it!

Youtube comments are generally maintained for users’ to find the best opinion. This is why youtube offers the “sort by” option for the youtube comment section. In case you are unable to load youtube comments, it can be because you have set the “sort” to “oldest to newest.” Due to several unknown reasons, old comments on youtube do not load with full potential. 

YouTube comments not loading
Source: Youtube

Thus, to resolve this error, simply “sort” youtube comments to “newest to oldest” or top comments or newest first. This will seem to solve your problem. 

Activate incognito mode

There’s a myth going around “Incognito mode should only be used while viewing or accessing restricted content on the internet.” However, the truth is, the incognito mode allows you to smoothly browse content whether it’s restricted or not. For instance, if your internet connection is slow, cookies and site data may interrupt your youtube page’s performance. 

YouTube comments not loading

In that case, by activating incognito mode, you can optimizely use the internet connection to view youtube comments without any plug-ins, cookies, or additional data. 

How to activate incognito mode? 

For Google Chrome (Windows PC): Use CTRL+Shift+N key

For Safari Browser (MacBook): Go to the “File” option < Tap on the “new private window.”

Erase unwanted saved data in your browser

Presuming that you are unwilling to resolve the “youtube comments not loading” error, you can simply give your browser a fresh start. How to do it? Well! It’s easy, go to the settings and clear off all unwanted data like cookies, site data, and cache. More often, users avoid maintaining the cache section of their browser out of laziness. However, it’s a matter of a few seconds. 

Cache, site data, and cookies take a lot of storage space, specifically available for web browsers. In the event that the storage is full, the browser will not be able to load new content. Thus, you will not be in a position to see the youtube comments. Above all, the youtube video itself won’t run. 

For Chrome, use CTRL+5 (F5) to visit the settings page directly.

For MacOS, use Command + Option + R key. 

Use Virtual Private Network or VPN Service

“Youtube comments not loading” may seem like a simple issue. But, do you know? It can turn out to be a hardcore issue because of cybernetics spying on your system. If a third-party or hacker is trying to get access to your device illegally, you will not be able to perform tasks with full potential. 

YouTube comments not loading

Virtual Private Network service can help you get rid of this error. It will hide your IP Address from all the million parties over the internet and allow you to use proxy sites

Ad Blocker and Extensions

Applications or browser extensions that are mainly used for blocking advertisements and such are quite popular. But, do you know? These extensions mistakenly or, for some reason, block accessibility to other content as well.

For example, if a youtube comment contains an advertisement, it will block the youtube comment section. Thus, it is recommendable to disable or remove all extensions. Now, after doing so, refresh the youtube page. You will be able to view the comments. 

What to do if all the solutions fail? 

After basic troubleshooting, youtube login, web browser change, settings reset, and all the other solutions applications, youtube comments are not loading. It is best to wait for the youtube engineers to fix the problem. There are chances that a cyber bug has infected the software. Thus, it is often best to wait than always driving your device crazy with all the recuperations. 

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