Who does want a few dozens of extra followers? Let’s be real, we all do. Especially when you are planning to embark on the journey of “social media influencing” or just want to increase the reach of your business.
Here are a few tips and tricks to help you so that your content reaches to as many people possible
1) Engage your audience!
When it comes to social media engagement is the key to success or as in this case a higher reach. The more your audience is hooked onto you the more it will promote you thereby opening you up to a larger audience. Some popular tricks include-
Giveaways, Contests, replying to comments of followers and asking questions.
2) Optimize your post timings.
Besides knowing what content you viewers like it is also important to know when to post. The best way to get to know about this to start posting randomly and then getting a hold of what time your followers are active most.
3) Hashtags. I repeat HASHTAGS!
Hashtags are the easiest yet most convenient way to increase your reach, a boon that ensures that someone does not have to even follow you in order to view your content.
4) Highlight User-Generated Content
The best way to get people excited about your label is to identify them. How can you d with that? By curating the content your audience generates and providing them the spotlight! The second annual Intelligence Report: Instagram found out that user-generated content increases changeovers by 4.5%. This number is even higher – 9.6% – when the user interacts with the post.
Showcasing supporters on your feed is a great game that not only helps with your content technique but also shows your audience that you care about them and acknowledge them. This recognition creates a strong relationship between your brand and your followers that eventually drive sales and loyalty.
5) Make the most of your bio URL.
It’s beauty blogging that is your Instagram profile… do you really want your bio to only link to your YouTube channel, now and forever? Boriiiinggggg. Change it up at least bi-weekly and use that clickable link in your bio to drive traffic to your newest or most prominent content. If you‘d like to buy Instagram followers, you can go for some best apps. You may find out about Gramto which is worth buying.