Coping With Nausea from Birth Control

    Coping With Nausea from Birth Control

    Birth Control pills have been a popular way of preventing pregnancy for many sexually active women since their invention in the 1960s. Most women do not experience any side effects on taking pills. However, some have moderate to severe side effects that include bouts of nausea, especially a few months after adopting the contraceptive. Here is how to prevent and manage nausea that results from the use of birth control.

    How Does Nausea Come about?

    The pill is made of hormonal ingredients that alter the natural hormone levels in women. Some, especially emergency contraceptives, have a high amount of estrogen. Estrogen can upset the stomach, leading to feelings of nausea or even vomiting.

    When swallowed, the pill tends to relax the smooth muscles that line the stomach walls, thereby changing the way the stomach empties food. Fortunately, most women adjust to this change, and nausea becomes milder or goes away entirely.

    Can You Prevent Nausea?

    Yes. Some actions may prevent nausea or lower its severity. First, try to avoid taking the pill on an empty stomach. If you cannot take some food beforehand, take an anti-acid tablet at least thirty minutes before taking your contraceptive instead.

    If taking an e-pill, you may want to seek an anti-nausea medication beforehand. Physicians recommend this for all women who have experienced nausea in the past after taking the regular pill. As said earlier, e-pills contain higher levels of estrogen than regular ones. However, there are a few brands with just progestin hormones.

    How Do You Treat Nausea?

    The type of treatment recommended depends on various factors such as the severity of the condition, the physiology of the woman, and if there are underlying conditions. Fortunately, you can find several easy, natural remedies at home, as listed below.

    Take Light, Less Seasoned Meals

    When you take your pill, consider eating a light meal of foods that are neither too greasy nor highly flavored or seasoned. These include crackers, bread, and cereals. Health experts advise taking several small meals rather than one large meal. Besides, keep off drinks with strong sugary flavors and instead take mild or plain liquids before and just after taking your pill. This prevents upsetting the stomach, which is accelerated by the pill.

    Take Some Ginger

    Fresh ginger is a known natural anti-nausea remedy. You can take it with your tea, water or in your food. A few sips of ginger drink can help eliminate bouts of nausea. Some people also experience relief by just smelling a fresh ginger root. It is recommended that you take your ginger soon after birth control pills to prevent the onset of nausea. You may even experience other benefits to your health by taking ginger regularly.

    Avoid Strenuous Activity

    Avoid strenuous activity after eating your meal. Working out hard on a full stomach changes how your stomach will empty the food just as the pill does. Therefore, your coping with nausea from birth control will only get worse. This is the reason why most women take the pill when going to bed. There are very few stomach upsets when in a relaxed state.

    Do Some Relaxing Exercises

    Deep relaxation is one of the ways you may get rid of nausea. It also has other benefits of dealing with fatigue and clearing your mind. Use a few moments for deep breaths in a relaxed environment or try some yoga poses. You shouldn’t wait for the onset of nausea. Instead, do your poses in five minutes after swallowing the pill.

    Seek Medical Advice

    If the above remedies do not work or you have recurring bouts of nausea, consider speaking with a doctor about alternative birth control pills. Furthermore, if you vomit after the feeling of nausea or the condition is too severe that it affects your daily life, consider seeing a doctor. There are various medications available for the condition that include Zofran, Meclizine, and Dramamine. Your doctor may also recommend low estrogen or progestin-only pills.