Cosmos: Possible Worlds! Ann Druyan Spills Beans On The New Season

Cosmos: Possible Worlds! Ann Druyan Spills Beans On The New Season

40 years away from Cosmos: a personal journey, that mythical science, and astronomy program by the famous scientific popularizer Carl Sagan were reinvented in 2014 with a ‘sequel’ or ‘ reboot ‘ under the title Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey.

But it is in this 2020 that Emmy winner Ann Druyan, Seth McFarlane and Neil deGrasse Tyson return with a new season: Cosmos: Possible Worlds. Cosmos: Possible Worlds.
We talked with Ann Druyan, creator, producer, and screenwriter of this new adventure, who assures us that this new season will be a journey through time (past, present, and future in human life).

Cosmos: Possible Worlds! Ann Druyan Spills Beans On The New Season

“The new season has a positive and hopeful vision of the future. It has to do with climate change. I think I am from a generation that cannot stop the threats that are destroying our civilization, but Cosmos: Possible Worlds is a way of raising public awareness so that we can imagine what the future could be if we use technology and all the tools we have to hand wisely to reverse climate change, ”he said.

When asked about what possible worlds of tomorrow we will explore, the producer commented that it will be a long journey aboard the ship of the imagination. During its 13 episodes, we will travel to lost worlds, possible worlds of our solar system and exoplanets; as well as internal worlds related to the functioning of the human system and worlds inhabited by organisms that we cannot see with the naked eye.

Lastly, he assured us that the show will continue to explore thematic controversies, such as climate change; it will expose the religious objections that persist and will touch on political issues that science has had to face.

But beyond that, he emphasized that Cosmos: Possible Worlds ” My ambition with this project is for humanity to realize how important it is to sustain valuable life on Earth and I think Cosmos will achieve that, ” he concluded.

It should be noted that the premiere of Cosmos: Possible Worlds is accompanied by a book of the same name written by Ann Druyan and which tries to maintain the legacy of who started this entire journey: Carl Sagan.