Elite Season 3: A New Tragedy Is On It’s Way! Everything We Know About The New Season On Netflix

Elite Season 3: A New Tragedy Is On It’s Way! Everything We Know About The New Season On Netflix

The third season of Elite is coming and with it the end of the school life of our favourite “Cayenos” of the elite private institute of Las Encinas. After the murder of Marina ( María Pedraza ) and the investigation to discover her murderer, the protagonists will now face a new tragedy that will not let them finish the course in peace, for our joy.

After a final episode of a heart attack in the second season that dislodged a plot that seemed to be closing definitively, it is time for the curl to continue curling in the third. Will they get Polo behind bars? What will the new characters bring? What will new ships depart?

As one of the ten most-watched series on Netflix, Elite is one of the Spanish series on the platform that has achieved worldwide fame. With each new announcement of any detail of what is to come, the networks go wild, and we cannot wait to know what lies ahead in just a few weeks.

Elite Season 3: A New Tragedy Is On It’s Way! Everything We Know About The New Season On Netflix
Elite Season 3: A New Tragedy Is On It’s Way! Everything We Know About The New Season On Netflix

Before its premiere, we review everything we know is coming in the third season of Elite.

The third season of Elite will introduce the two new characters of rigour: Yeray, played by Sergio Momo (the neighbour), and Malik, who gives life Leïti Sène ( Benvinguts to the family ). The two new students were presented last November in the first teaser of the new season that published the platform.

After the second season, we were presented with the dream team that nobody saw coming, the organisation formed by Guzmán ( Miguel Bernardeau ) and Samuel ( Itzan Escamilla ), who went all out for Polo ( Álvaro Rico ), has received his shaved suspense in the option of “how to catch a murderer”. Let’s see if things go well in recoveries.

Polo left us stone in that last plane in which he returned to the institute and was cold and calculating in front of all his friends ? as the murderer that now everyone knows he is. Little seems to be the scared and fragile Polo we saw suffer throughout the second season. Now he has a new ally, Cayetana ( Georgina Amorós ), who had risked everything to protect him when he took the statue from the bottom of the lake and hid it for him.

In this third season, we can expect a real confrontation with Fuenteovejuna, all one. At the moment, the case of Marina’s murder is still open and, without the murder weapon, the hunt to condemn her murderer continues. From the advance photos, we can see that Polo and Carla ( Ester Expósito ) will face each other in court and that the case will reach new ports.