Let’s face, there only one anime in the fandom’s to thoughts these days. It is definitely the Demon Slayer. The show has come out with close to 20 episodes, but its latest outing has, in fact, elevated it to the next level.
After catching global attention, fans are excitingly waiting to see what happens next for Demon Slayer, but those plans will all rely on the fans.
During a recent conversation with ComicBook.com, a maker on Demon Slayer opened up about the next steps the anime might be making.
While Yuma Takahashi doesn’t really have any idea of any fixed plans as of yet, the producer says the anime’s future will largely depend on fans and their support of the franchise.
“First, we’re going try our best in all to these 26 episodes that are in being made right now – and while we don’t have any plans for the future, I’d like to begin thinking about anything after that once we are finished,” Takahashi explained.
“With that being told, it’s really difficult to continue making this without the immense support from our fans, so on let me on behalf of every staff tell that it would make us happy if everyone continued supporting the show and if lots of people viewed the show.”
Clearly, Takahashi’s wish was fulfilled within the last week. The all-new latest episode of Demon Slayer went live days ago, and it grabbed the attention social media worldwide for over a day.
Anime fans were blown away at the production team’s gorgeous animation, and it brought the anime’s overall brilliance into the limelight.
With a bunch of new fans being gathered, everyone is hoping Demon Slayer will keep fans stuck to the TV for years to come. You can’t really blame then you know, we loved it ourselves!