Protestors clashed with police in Hong Kong as thousands rallied in spite of a police ban on demonstrating. There was a flashpoint between protestors and police in Hong Kong. To control the protestors the police fired blue-eyed water canon at the protestors. The protest is continued from thirteen weeks. This protest was sparked in June.
Reason for this protest:
This protest has the sole objective of withdrawing an extraordinary bill proposed by the Hong Kong government. This bill enabled neighborhood specialists to detain and remove individuals who will be who are needed in terrorists that Hong Kong doesn’t have extradition agreements with, including China and Taiwan.
This bill hurts people’s rights and freedom. This protest started on 31st March 2019. This protest was conducted in different districts and streets of Hong Kong. The bill passed by the Hong Kong government created social and economic inequality.
Another aim of the protest is to release and exonerate the arrested protestors. People want these protests not to be called as riots. Protestors want the establishment of an independent commission of inquiry into police behavior.
There was alleged misconduct by police force against protestors. These protests have also been started in a dozen cities abroad in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong police had to deploy water cannons against protestors to manage them. Police also fired tear gas on the protestors. Two Mercedes Benz Trucks were deployed. Three trucks were purchased for this purpose costing $27million.
These trucks were used to clean barricades. Protestors tried to occupy the intersection around Yeung Road. They built makeshift roadblocks with construction barricades and bamboo. These barricades were removed by the police by using the trucks. Protestors also became violent after this action by the police. They threw bricks, Molotov against the police.