How to stop an Android app from running in the background?

How to stop an Android app from running in the background?

Among the most solicited and most popular Android tools, the one that almost everyone has in their devices is one that will stop apps from running in the background. Why would someone want to stop an app from running in the background programmatically? Because sometimes apps don’t limit themselves to doing what they are supposed to.

A good app will run in the background for syncing purposes, giving you location data or whatever it is they were made to do, but some have a tendency to cross over to the dark side. But finding out what kinds of are running in the background and learning whether to allow the app to run in the background to run or disable it is equally as important. Worry not because today, we provide you with all the solutions to your problems.

How to stop an Android app from running in the background?
How to stop an Android app from running in the background?

How to stop Android apps running in background android programmatically

If you want to stop an app from running in the background, there are a few ways you can go about doing it. You can either uninstall it, disable it or force stop it.

  • If you wish to uninstall an app you can go to “Settings -> Apps -> App Manager -> Select App -> Uninstall” or simply tap and hold the app icon and move it to the Uninstall/Trash bin. If you have Lollipop, you can close recently used apps thanks to the “Recent Apps” navigation button that is located to the right of the home button.
  • To stop apps from running in the background of your device, you can also “Force Stop” them by going to “Settings -> Apps -> Apps Manager -> Tap” on the app and force stop them.

Using third-party apps

 Apps such as Greenify and Llama will help you keep those badly-written apps on a short leash by preventing them from doing more than they should. Greenify keeps those apps in hibernation and will close or force close any app when you are not using it.