Dedicated fans are what make artists pay off their invested hard work. It seems like Jared Leto has a good amount of loyal fans who want the best for him and want to continue to see more and more of him.
The official cast line of the Suicide Squad by released by the director, James Gunn. The cast line consists of more than a dozen actors and actress but it missed one important character that people loved a lot if not the most.
It was none other than the character of The Joker played by Jared Leto in the first part. Fans are upset that The Joker a.k.a Jared Leto is not the part of the Suicide Squad anymore. There lies a segment of the audience that still has hope that Jared Leto might return in the future wherever the story would demand it.
Earlier, before even the release of cast line, there were rumors going around that Jared Leto won’t be seen anymore in the James Gunn creation. It looks like the scandal about improper behavior contributed to the absence of Jared Leto from the suicide squad although he was an important character.
A massive part of the comments on James Gunn’s announcements were just curiosities of people about where the Joker was. There were too many comments just asking about Jared Leto, with no reaction, no emotions nothing.
Some comments bashed James Gunn for ousting Jared Leto from the movie. They think that Jared Leto had put on too many efforts into the character, apparently his heart and soul. They think that the franchise has misused the talent and hard work of Jared Leto that he put in the Joker.
Some were depressed, desperate and some just openly did not accept the final decision. The cast line announcement surely had a wholesome reaction from the audience.