SAST vs DAST: What’s the Difference? How to Choose Between Them?


A application security testing is a process of identifying vulnerabilities in software applications and systems. Security assessment techniques include penetration testing, static analysis, and dynamic analysis. There are two main types of security assessment: static and dynamic. White-box testing is also known as static analysis, whereas dynamic analysis is referred to as black-box testing. In this post, we’ll compare SAST and DAST so you can decide which one is best for your company. SAST vs DAST

What Is SAST?

A static application security testing (SAST) is a type of security evaluation that examines the source code of an application for flaws. SAST tools are typically used by developers during the software development process.

What Is DAST?

DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing) is a method of detecting security flaws in live applications by continuously monitoring them while they run. DAST tools are typically used by security professionals after an application has been deployed.

Features of SAST and DAST

Both SAST and DAST have their own unique features, which we will discuss in more detail below:

-SAST Features: SAST vs DAST

  • Code analysis – SAST tools analyze source code to find vulnerabilities. This means that they can be used to find both known and unknown vulnerabilities.
  • Integration – SAST tools can be integrated into the software development process, which allows developers to find and fix vulnerabilities early in the development cycle.
  • Automation – SAST tools can be automated, which means that they can be run frequently without human intervention.

Important Features of DAST

  • Metadata-driven analysis tools – DAST tools examine an application while it is running to discover security flaws. This means that they can only find known vulnerabilities.
  • Testing in production – DAST tools can be used to test applications on live websites. This is useful for identifying vulnerabilities that cannot be found in test or development environments.

Pros and Cons of SAST and DAST

Both SAST and DAST have their own pros and cons, which we will discuss in more detail below:


  • Can find both known and unknown vulnerabilities.
  • It may be integrated into the software development process.
  • It’s easy to set up a time-series database in your own code.

SAST Cons:

  • Does not provide information about how a vulnerability can be exploited.
  • Empirical testing, like code reviews and static analysis of requirements, may generate false positives (vulnerabilities that are not truly present in the code).

DAST Pros:

  • Can find known vulnerabilities.
  • Can be used to test applications in production environments.

DAST Cons:

  • Cannot find unknown vulnerabilities.
  • May generate false positives (vulnerabilities that are not actually present in the application).

Tools with details for SAST and DAST

SAST Tools:  

Checkmarx – Checkmarx is a SAST tool that can be used to find vulnerabilities in source code. It is possible to incorporate Checkmarx into the software development process, and it supports a variety of programming languages.

-DAST Tools:

Astra’s Pentest: Astra’s Pentest is an innovative web application security testing tool that may be used to identify flaws in online applications. Astra’s Pentest offers both automated and manual scanning options. It is one of the most popular pen testing tools on the market, and it also provides website vulnerability testing. It is well-known for its ease of use and extensive feature set.

Burp Suite: Burp Suite is a software vulnerability testing program that may be used to identify flaws in web applications. Burp Suite offers a number of features, including an intercepting proxy, spidering, and automation.

Differences Between SAST and DAST

The primary distinction between SAST and DAST is that SAST tools examine source code while DAST tools examine an application in operation. This means that SAST tools can find both known and unknown vulnerabilities, while DAST tools can only find known vulnerabilities.

How to choose between SAST and DAST

When choosing between SAST and DAST, you should consider the following factors:

-The type of application you are testing: If you are testing a web application, you should use a DAST tool. You may either employ a SAST or a DAST tool to test a desktop or mobile application.

-The level of detail you need: If you need to know how a vulnerability can be exploited, you should use a DAST tool. If you just need to know that a vulnerability exists, you can use either a SAST or a DAST tool.

-The size of the application: If you are testing a large application, you may want to use a SAST tool because it can be integrated into the software development process.

-The sensitivity of the data: If you are testing an application that handles sensitive data, you should use a SAST tool because it can be run in a secure environment.


No matter which type of security assessment you choose, both SAST and DAST tools have their own unique features and benefits. The best way to choose between them is to consider the factors listed above and decide which tool is best suited for your needs. Thank you for taking the time to read this! I hope it was beneficial.