Can you believe that in the past three years I’ve had to make not one, but two long and hectic cross country moves? And this doesn’t include those college summers I had to drive back and forth between Florida and California. Ever since those 2 huge moves, I’ve considered myself as somewhat of an expert on the moving subject. I’d also like to think that I’d never have to move again. I hope I won’t ever have to make another cross country move again but if I do, I know I’ll be using professional cross country moving services. If you’re in a similar situation and need to make a trip that’s farther than a day’s drive away, I’ve written up some tips that will hopefully make your move a lot easier and survivable.
Be Sure To Plan Ahead
When my wife and I decided to move, it was the middle of March and we had made arrangements to move only two months later. We knew we didn’t have a huge amount of time but figured it was enough time that we could put some kind of plan together. Here are a few things you should consider:
Do you have flexibility with your moving schedule and when would it be the best time to make the move? Since we were making the long move to Nevada, and with my wife pregnant as well, we knew we had to get our timing just right. We weren’t in any particular rush to make this move since we had just graduated but with the heat and temperatures in the 100 degree area, we knew we needed to get this move finished as soon as possible. I knew that the more pregnant my wife got, the more difficult making the move in the intense heat would be.
On the first day we actually arrived in Nevada, the temperature had risen above 100 degrees already and we knew we had made the right decision to leave when we did.
Map Out Your Route Accordingly
Having completed the cross country move from Florida to California a couple times before, we made the decision to skip the I-40 route and opted to head into Atlanta first before getting back on the I-40 for the rest of the trip. By taking this detour it couldn’t have added more than an hour to our trip and allowed us a nice change of scenery while being able to visit some old friends along the way. If you are fortunate enough to have friends living in different parts of the country that are relatively close along your route you should see if you could visit them for a meal or even stay the night so you can get a nice break from the road. You’ll not only get a nice break from the monotony of driving but this can also help you cut down on costs throughout your trip.
Weighing Your Options- Cross Country Move
There are many different ways to get all your personal belongings moved across the country. The first time we moved to California we had rented a U-Haul truck and a hitch to tow my car behind it. Trying to drive the huge truck was difficult enough but towing the car behind it was incredibly scary and not something I plan on doing any time soon in the future. This time we opted to hire a moving company for our personal belongings. The costs involved were very reasonable and ended up being a great choice for us. We also had the issue of how we were going to get my wife’s car to Nevada. For this we looked at several car transport companies that specialized in cross country car transport and got several quotes and went with the most affordable shipping option. Having my wife drive across the country pregnant wasn’t going to happen so using a car transport company really made it a lot easier.
Taking It Easy
Being that long drives tend to be extremely exhausting we’ve always shied away from having a specific destination in mind when taking such a long trip. We usually just drove until we were both tired and headed for the closest city to stop and rest. Be sure that when you are driving not to exceed 6-8 hours. The first day we headed out we actually drove for 13 hours straight but being that it was the first day it wasn’t that bad at all. We knew full well there’d be a pretty good chance we’d have to stop eventually due to the long distance. Be sure to give yourselves a nice break for lunch or take a long break at one of the rest stops and give yourselves a chance to recover before heading out again and get details from here