The wrath of Rama Khan supergirl streaming on CW is now disseminating this weekend. This somehow seems to be similar to Earth -1 shows from Arrow and Flash but you cannot generate the complete story and compare supergirl with these two shows.
However, succeed to set the stage for a crisis for infinite earth crossover event and estimated to build a little bit more on the crisis this weekend. So viewers hold your breath, today’s episode is going to be huge toward crisis. It is reported that Kara Danvers and Lena Luther will be seen repairing things of their relationship. Apart from this, viewers will see some other issues to be dealt with.
In today’s episode, you will see Kara having conversations with Alex and Brainy giving them clue that what exactly Lex told Lena on the last episode of season 4. She also shares the things she had with Khan and she keeps telling all that issues she had with Khan.

This is the first time you will see Kara and Lena being together in this episode only. However, these two characters are as important together as they alone. This is surely exciting for viewers to see them together. And this is why this episode is not less than a masterpiece. Lex is going to come back again as a monitor is going to have all that resources possible require to save the multiverse.
So it is somehow not wrong to say that Kara and Lex need to be on the same page. This is something that brings them together for a common purpose. Whatever, but viewers wait to see them together comes to an end. Ultimately the two will be together and expected to slow down the bitterness.
They both are best on their own but what if they come together with their ability. Their togetherness is like two different power is meeting together and that is going to save the future.